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Everything posted by Davelingo

  1. PC this cutie pls !!
  2. Re: WTS TalonFlame H.a Epic <t>Gimme Gimme Gimme</t>
  3. Time to sell this cutie! Start Bid - 1m Insta price - 2.5m CC=400k
  4. [shadow=#FF0080] Time to sell this cutie! Start Bid - 1m Insta price - 2.5m CC=400k[/shadow] <i></i>
  5. Blue Server !!* It's The Bisharp i want to get back !! Thank You !! <3
  6. HEY! I was showing pokes and was about to realease a carvanha! But then my Bisharp got away.... It's a very good Bisharp and i hope you can help me! I have ID and everything screenshotted !! My regards
  7. We, Nemesis, want to rent the bot! We want to rent following features: ● Basic commands We are willing to pay 250k monthly for it <3
  8. 2m from me
  9. [shadow=#8000BF]</SHADOW></COLOR></SIZE> INFORMATION <i>[/shadow]</i> Nemesis is a newly created guild with the goal of becoming one of the greatest. We will be a mixed guild with great interest on PvP, but don't worry, there are going to be events and funny contests too! <i></i> [shadow=#8000BF] !RULES! <i>[/shadow]</i> We have some rules that we would like everyone to follow or take notice off if interest off join. - Be Active in game and Discord - No Scamming - No Racism or Gender difference (we are all equal) - Show respect to all members and events <i></i> [shadow=#8000BF]EVENTS[/shadow] <i></i> Nemesis is a Guild that will have Events in center! There will be 1 Permanent event every month and also some mini events and contests during each month. Since events are lacking off our server, we will be the ones who will bring them on the top! <i></i> [shadow=#8000BF] <COLOR color="#8000BF">PvP <i>[/shadow]</i> Don't you think that just because we are an EVENT based guild that we won't do PvP. Nemesis is also interested in PvP and battles, hoping that some day we will acquire a place in the Guild Ladder. <i></i> [shadow=#8000BF] <SHADOW shadow="#8000BF">REQUIREMENTS <i>[/shadow]</i> Discord Johto region completed Have a general knowledge about Pokemon English language, in order to communicate with the other members! <i></i> [shadow=#8000BF] <SIZE size="200">Application <i>[/shadow]</i> Answer theese questions as apply!(Post Reply) PRO Name: Hours & Region: Age: Goal with PRO: Favorite Pokemon: Why you want to join Nemesis: <i></i>
  10. Hello guys !! My name is DaveLingo in game and David irl :) I am looking for a guild :) I am 25 years old and im from Sweden. 1. I can use discord! 2. I am a great pokemon lover and i am serious to gaming! Why you would want me..= i have in soon 3 months played 400hrs and i am serious about coming one of the greatest in the game. I also needs a guild to commit my loyalty to and that also can have my back! 3. I can be very active ofc! 4. I have a lot of favos but if i had to choose i would have choosed Pikachu for the memories of when pokemon started when i was a kid. But i like greninja aswell! 5. 366 hrs counting and 24 badges! :) My regards, DaveLingo =)
  11. Hello guys !! I am looking for a swedish guild !! I have 350hrs played and ofc im from sweden :) is there any swedish guild ? BLUE SERVER My regards , David
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