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  1. Ohh and as far as requirements I'm on s9 plus so plenty of power
  2. Hello I cannot connect to silver or gold servers I have newest android client even just redownload and installed now still wont connect although ppl on discord say servers are up is this and android problem or a problem on my end pls help also ty for your tine
  3. This sounds pretty fun, and ty for event 1 question about prizepool the what are honor points and how do I spend them? Ty for ur time
  4. Ty for reply just one question android client with still be supported tho right? Cuase it's my only driver for pro
  5. You can find new version on the website but unfortunately right now server locked due to bugs they announced an update later today also u should join pro discord it really helps in keeping up with news and updates
  6. Hello with new update (spooky) news reporter in solaceon town was missing and when approached the spot where he usually stands was pushed back glitch. I'm using android client btw
  7. Is it too late
  8. What is your Discord tag?: My Discord tag is Hosigen How often do you use Discord?: Every time I play pro, which is all the time lol If you could make one suggestion about PRO Discord what would it be?: Nothing really TBH y'all doing great job on everything I especially appreciate prompt updates
  9. Very good guide this will help alot! You the real MVP! :)
  10. Welcome to pro best pkmn game! I recommend blue server
  11. Hi I don't know you but it sucks to see a down to earth generous player like u go but I understand sometimes u gotta focus on life and pro def takes time ( very fun addicting ) but my favorite pkmn is eevee always has been and I want to win cuase who wouldn't lol but if I do mark my words I'll give some away like u are giving away. And what I wish is that honestly ppl could come together all around the world and realize we have way more in common than difference but being different is ok I wish fighting would stop and we could all get along like pro I've met so many different ppl from all around the world here and we all having fun. Well gb bro and good luck on your real life quest!
  12. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough | Main Quest & Master Ball | Guardian Kaguya & Reroll Ticket ❆ <r>I finished quest without getting masterball sad:(( but event was very fun! <EMOJI seq="263a"></EMOJI> Ty for this guide got reroll ticket btw there is a big nugget by tree outside on summit by snover</r>
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