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Everything posted by Rafaella

  1. Looking for a lv 100 EV Trained Epic Relaxed nature Ttar [female is preferable] Paying good on it!
  2. This guild was disbanded, fi you want to apply, do it here instead, thanks! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=16552
  3. Re: DesuOne Shop (Sneasels and Gligars added) <t>150k on sand veil gligar</t>
  4. Rafaella

    Team Magma

    6 people and growing, enter our discord server and apply today! :Grin:
  5. Rafaella

    Team Magma

    Ty :Smile: @topic: Soon! https://prntscr.com/a2uy8f
  6. Well,Team Magma is a fresh new guild, if you want to be the first of many to join, just let me know ;) Soon will have a website & guild forums
  7. Maybe he is a chef who is a part-time guitarist :P
  8. Rafaella

    Team Magma

    Soon: Website & Forum
  9. I'll add that info on the main post shortly, thanks for reminding me
  10. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <t>IGN: Rafaella<br/> Pokemon: Chansey, S. Weavile, Ralts<br/> Current Level: Chansey (28), Weavile (64), Ralts (29)<br/> Final Level: all 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: Yes, all of them, any level<br/> Shall we EV train for you?: 152 HP, 200 Def, 104 SPAtk, 52 SPDef (Chansey), others just level<br/> Rush order?: If possible, yes<br/> Moves to keep?: Softboiled on Chansey</t>
  11. Re: Good pokemons for trade <t>530k on swift swim feebas</t>
  12. Re: Good pokemons for trade <t>420k Feebas</t>
  13. ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ Welcome to my Art shop! Here in this shop, you can order me Guild Logos Ingame, or Forum Signatures. The price may change according to the piece's complexity. All the orders should take up to 5 days max to be finished. You can use this form to order here: IGN: What type of work [Guild logo or Forum Signature]: Details: Take a look on some of my works bellow: ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ Guild Logos ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ Signatures ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ Price Table ~ * ~ ------------------- ~ * ~ ----------------- ~ * ~ Guild Logo: 200k ~ 600k Signature: 100k ~ 250k You have 5 days to pay for the piece after it's ready. If you give up on the purchase AFTER the work is made, you still have to pay 10k for the time spent
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