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Everything posted by Coxyca

  1. This has always been like that and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one feeling stressed about it :Crazy:
  2. Re: Coxyca's Shop || Various Medium/Good Pokes <r>100k instant for him. Bought it for more in the hope of reselling it later but too lazy to train him. Don't wanna lose too much money because of him. <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  3. Re: Coxyca's Shop || Various Medium/Good Pokes <t>Thx. Post updated. I put you as BO for Buizel but looking for a bit more atm.</t>
  4. Re: Coxyca's Shop || Various Medium/Good Pokes <r>Thanks, added you as BO for both! End of auction in 24h for those, if noone bets more, you get them. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  5. Hi there! Welcome to my shop :Grin: I don't really have epic Pokes to sell for now but I'll still put some decent ones I found in case anyone is interested. If you are, feel free to post your offer here. Since I'm not good at price estimations, all of them will be in auctions for 24h (starting at the first offer for each one) and the BO will get it if I consider the price to be reasonable. I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokes. I'm looking for cash or a trade for a decent Timid/Modest Flash-fire Litwick. [glow=red]Items for sale:[/glow] - Metal Coats 10k Cheers! :Angel:
  6. Oh yeah, didn't think about that. RIP if your nick is Flash or Cut too. :D Then maybe we could enable these highlights only with a suffix such as '@' ?
  7. Hi, Some low priority suggestion here. I don't like having PMs all around my GUI so I often talk to people directly in the channels. In order to make it easier and cleaner to everyone, it'd be cool if we could just click on people's nicknames and that would add them in the messsage field. Then when we send the message those people would see their nicknames highlighted (a different color or/and bold for example). Just like Twitch for instance. Thanks for your work and have a good day! :Grin:
  8. I feel your pain mate. I've had crashes at the 2 leagues. But life goes on, just keep training and avoid doing the Elites during night. :) But I do agree that it'd be cool to have the server detect it crashed so you don't get kicked in these cases.
  9. Hi there, As the title states I've been wondering if the move Hidden Power works as it's supposed to? Strangely, I couldn't find anything on the forum... I know Unown inflicts dammages with it but does the move depend on the IVs? If not, is it planned to introduce it the way it works in the official games or are you guys planning to modify it? Because without breeding that would require to farm until you get good IVs/nat/abi + a match with the HP you want, which seems kinda hard... Anyway, if anybody has info on that matter I'd gladly hear them! :Grin:
  10. Hi guys, Is Hidden Power functionnal? If so, where can I find it? Didn't find anything usefull on Google...
  11. 200 hours of playtime in PRO + the countless hours spent on the official games and still no shiny in sight... life is unfair. :(
  12. Might be funny but I fear this would introduce fake losts etc.
  13. Hi, I went to the Trainers Valley for the first time to see what it's like. It costed me 15k and... well there's nothing there... Unless I'm blind I can only walk around a closed building and talk to 3 NPCs. And there's a small square of water too. 15k for this... So I was wondering: why do you let this place ingame if there's nothing to be done there? Unless I didn't see something, in that case I apologize and I'd gladly take your adivce :Smile: Cheers :)
  14. Agreed. And why not go further and have the game automatically detect what Pokemon to use so we don't have to select it (applies for Dig too)? Just like Surf and Cut but with an automatic check on Happyness.
  15. Unfortunately they told many times they won't translate the game except for some parts (the game menu iirc). I personnaly regret that decision. The storyline doesn't need to be translated, it's a lot of work and everybody can follow provided they played the official games. However I think moves and Pokemon names sould be translated. A lot of us have been playing the official games since we were kids and no matter how fluent in English we can be now, we've been used to have those names in our own language and most of them are not literally translatable. Which means we often end up looking up on Google for their translation. It's not hard to do a little search, but I'd personnaly wish we didn't have to. Not the end of the world though. I also fear that the texts are actually written directly inside the code since I've read somewhere on the forum that it'd require trustworthy people to make a translation. If that's not the case, translations shouldn't be such a big deal, they could indeed recruit some volunteers.
  16. Hi! :Grin: A few minutes ago I was about to sell a Poke to someone I don't know and we were talking in PM about where we'd meet. But then the server crashed and when I logged back in the PM was lost. I didn't remember his nickname so I had to put my Poke back in the trade chan. That's why I suggest to give players a list of the 5-10 last players they talked to. It's not high priority stuff obviously but I think it'd be cool to have that feature in the social panel for example. I also thought about keeping all PMs opened between sessions but it'd be boring to close them all each time if you don't need them. Anyway, have a good day! :)
  17. Laplace, as stated before you can buy MS from other players using ingame money. So it's not taking content out for non-donating players, it's just making it easier for people who pay. And I suppose a part of this money is used to maintain and upgrade the server, which is something you want, right? :)
  18. I think I understood what you meant, I had the same question when I started training EVs on my Pokes. Your Pokemon stats won't increase more if you do its EVs soon than if you do them at lvl 100. No matter what level you start doing its EVs, in the end they'll get divided by 4 and added to their respective category. EVs do not exponentially raise stats when levelling, it's just a simple division/addition.
  19. Hey! I don't know if this is the right place to post this kind of thing but... those Pokemons are not for sale! And even if they were I doubt anyone would want them except me! :Smile: I'll make this short, I'm collecting crappy IVs Pokes and I figured it was time to open my gallery. There's no real point to it but I guess you can come here anytime you feel sad about your last catch and you'll see it's not that bad! :p Anyway, a lot of those Pokes were given to me by kind people on the chan I use but I also buy them for cheap if you happen to have some (10k max). The only rule is: Coxymons must have either 6 IVs <= 09 OR at least 3 IVs == 01 (in this case the other IVs don't matter). Last updated: 01.15.2016 As hard as it can be, the rule has to be respected. It saddens me a lot but that means this kind of Pokemon cannot be in this gallery: That's it for now! If any of your Pokemons could fit into this gallery, please don't get rid of them, I'm here to make their lives less dramatic! :Heart-eyes: Cheers!
  20. Hello ! :Grin: I've been playing PRO for 117 hours now and I figured it was time to introduce myself. So my name is Simon, I'm 23 (in 7 days to be precise) and I live in Paris (which makes me French, I suppose). I'm a 3D student in 5th year (animation/FX/real time) and we do a lot of programmation, which makes me appreciate even more the work done on PRO. I've played all Pokemon games from Blue to Diamand, which is the version that made me ragequit the saga because I lost my save doing the Darkrai glitch.. But now I'm back thanks to PRO! :Angel: Last useful fact about me: I'm the Garbage Collector. I'm collecting crappy IVs Pokemons. The only rule is: the Pokemon must have 6 IVs <= 8 OR at least 3 IVs == 01 (in this case the other IVs can be anything). Some people give them to me for free or for a limited amount of $, depends on the person. But I won't spend more than 10K for a single crappy IVs Pok. Anyway, if you need to get rid of some really bad Pokes, you know who to give/sell them to! :Shy: I'll make a gallery of my collection eventually. Thanks to everyone involved in PRO, this is a really well made game. That's it, cheers!
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