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Everything posted by Nerorn

  1. S.o 500k Min bid 50k Auction ends 48 hours after first bid Insta=2m
  2. Romaxyz won the garchomp with a bid 650k, will contact the winner
  3. Starting Offer 300k Charizard Starting Offer 300k Garchomp Min Bid 50k Charizard/Garchomp End Time 72 Hours after S.O No insta
  4. @Zoruami The auction time ended and a guy bid outside of the proposed time and got the pokemon, is that allowed?
  5. I was the last one to comment in the available time, which makes me the winner of the auction, when can we trade?
  6. Bumping it since it seems like it went by without anyone noticing, my cresselia quest is still bugged
  7. Doing the cresselia, i got to the point where i got to wake up 4 pokemons, i woke up 3 of the 4, but the greninja simply didnt spawn where it was supposed to, making it impossible to complete the quest
  8. Start offer:500k Insta:2m Min bid:100k Cc=380k Iv reroll=700k Auction ends 24 hours after first bid
  9. I was just about to finish morty to get my mega benette stone, on giratina the server crashed, i think you guys should be able to see that the moment i "lost" to the boss was the exact instant the server crashed, having to wait more 12 days to do it sounds unfair, is there no way to reset my cooldown?
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