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Everything posted by Eiky0

  1. Hello to all of you, I'm Eiky0 (some people are lazy to write the 0 in the chat so I wonder if I should rename to Eiky), some of you alread know me since I squat the help chat and for my bad skills in Abra hunting. I'm a 20 years old french canadian, living in the south west of france, I'm a student in English/Chinese and I can speak French, English, Spanish and a bit of Chinese. I like sport, music (any kind but particularly Psytrance and Orchestral), eat healthy, animes and girls with big... sorry :Smile: I'm closer to the pokemon hunter than the pokemon trainer, I hate Red and sometimes when I'm in a good mood I try to find good pokemons (only Kanto atm) for people who ask me, for free because I love you all :kiss: What to say, hmmm I also play LoL, same nickname so feel free to add me I wont feed. My favourite animes are One Piece, One Punch Man (ofc), Black Lagoon and Death Parade. That's it about me I guess, so see you in game and I wish you have a great time playing PRO :Grin: The baguette is strong, the baguette has no mercy...
  2. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  3. Hello, I'd like to buy a timid sync pokemon. I don't care about the stats.
  4. You can also watch every season of Dr. House, Mentalist and Lie To Me to see how they apply these rules, then no one can even lie to you !
  5. Eiky0

    Mute message

    Just a suggestion, someone told me to post it on the forum to make it seen. Thank you for the tip though.
  6. Eiky0

    Mute message

    Hello, I was wondering why the mute message, when someone gets muted, appear in all channels. Can make it visible only in the concerned chat please ? Last time there was a huge wave of mute ( I wasn't in this time) which "spammed" the all chat, making us unable to answer question/help. Not really important though but annoying, especially when we are not even concerned.
  7. Guyy, after a total of 6hours, I managed to capture an Abra, a shitty one but iI made it. Tried different stuff like paralyze, throwing a pokeball directly and the last one... find a decent Zubat, train it until lvl32 when it learns Mean Look and then find an Abra. I will keep that Zubat, which has eolved into a Crobat by the time I ended that challenge. Good luck to everyone who wants to capture an Abra by himself. Feel free to contact me in-game for help about Abra, I nearly became a pro Abra hunter with that story.
  8. Little psytrance [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  9. Hello there, I just wanted to tell you about a tragedy that happened like 10mn ago... Like every Pokemon game since I'm I played the first Pokemon version, I wanted to capture an Abra, it's like a tradition. So it was nearly 1pm when I started what was going to be the longest hunt in my pokemon trainer life... My PIkachu as teammate, I ran to the grass on the Route 24 and fought countless of Bellsprout and Pidgeys. Damn Pidgeys, that Pikachu learnt the perfect strategy to beat them as the number of their corpse on the ground was rising. After 1 hour, 5 potions and 10 levels earned by my little yellow friend, I decided that it was time for me to change place, who knows ? Maybe I will have a better luck somewhere else. So I'm here, Route 5, on a little piece of grass, surrounded by a dozen of players, looking for the mythic Abra. We've fought countless of Pidgeys and Bellsprouts but our mental remains the same, we are motivated to find this Abra and capture it ! :Angry: The amount of wild dead pokemons higher than China's population and my PIkachu is getting stronger and stronger but my determination is flinching at the same time :Nervous: ... 3 hours have passed and still no trace of the target... then suddenly ! My eyes are shining as I'm reading the name of the pokemon, Abra is in front of us. My pikachu isn't dumb, he instantly Paralyze him but destiny wants to challenge me... Even paralyzed, he managed to teleport away... Thanks for reading, I'm tired and disappointed, but I will succeed tommorrow ! PS: Judging by my own experience, Abra's rate is about 1/500, be patient :y:
  10. Re: Log In disappears <r>Well, that worked <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <br/> Thank you bro, see you in-game !</r>
  11. Hello, One hour ago i managed to Log In in the game for the first time, the server was like 1500/1800 but now, the client freezes for 1min while it displays "Connecting to the server..." and cannot connect. When it displays "logging in" it disappears without doing anything. What's wrong with it ? The server isn't full atm, that's why i ask. It's usually a problem with a slow PC but I have 8GB RAM with a 2,9GHz CPU on W10, I don'T think the problem comes from my PC. Edit: By the time I checked a solution to that problem the server went full :Ambivalent:
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