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About Freddycoop

  • Birthday 12/18/1991

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. As a PVE player, And previously been banned for multi accounts. My main purposes for using multiple accounts was just to redo the story again and again. How about implementing a way for people who have completed the 4 gens and completed a certain criteria like Genesect. That can unlock a feature such as a re-story mode. Where you can just do the story over again. Saves your mains state where you left it, and locks all your mons, items and everything on a save, And allow you to replay the story. Once you finish the 4th regions pokemon league. The data accrued, mons, money etc, is just wiped. And resume your main account from where you left it. Would allow replay ability for those who are waiting for Astrella.
  2. What is your in game name? FreddyCoop How old are you? 30 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 2654 Hours, 32 Badges Do you use discord? Yes Discord is FreddyCoop#7390 What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Everything but PVP Why would you like to be in team magma? I want to feel i belong to a bigger idea. Someone who is interested in hotter climates and conditions and opposed to people who love water and rainy weather.
  3. id love to grab the 300k mimikyu and the 200k Mawile.
  4. Any chance you deliver to silver server? Like the look of one of your volcaronas.
  5. Looking to find a Larvesta with 31 HP and as good defensive stats as I can get, would have defense and special defense 25+ ideally. Speed 20+ aswell would be preferred but not as neccessary. PM me
  6. Wtb a 31 Speed, 31 HP, +25 SPA Larvesta, with solid defensive stats if possible. Message me if you have something around this. And also looking for a bold Regenerator amoonguss/foongus
  7. Wanting to buy a HP Fire Gren either Timid or Naive preferably. Message me.
  8. Wtb Adamant Sheer Force Kingler 31 Attack Wtb Naive Protean Froakie or evo HP Fire Wtb jolly quick feet shroomish 31 speed Wtb timid infiltrator noibat or evo 31 speed Wtb bold regenerator foonguss
  9. All fixed. Got past Fairy Grande. Thankyou content scripters. Can close this now.
  10. Just proof of some of the npcs when I ask them just a moment ago.
  11. Is there any chance a dev or mod can just remove the requirement for Fairy Grande or just give me the 5 halloween candy required to get past her. otherwise I'm gonna miss out on baby shadow lugia. And lugia is my favourite pokemon....
  12. I understand, just don't want to miss my chance at getting Baby shadow Lugia during the event.
  13. I didn't know the rules on the forum sorry. Rarely had to use it, Didn't realise would take this long to get any feedback, let alone assistance. Not the only person i've noticed with similar issues. Not trying to be a [sausage], Just some communication would be appreciated
  14. are you saying I can expect a response in only 24 hour periods?
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