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Everything posted by Mcschitter

  1. Hey christylad, so if you are silver server then we would be more than welcome to invite you to Toxicity (do not let the name fool yah we are nice lol). You should make sure to specify you are Gold server otherwise. We just require that you join our discord before we can invite you in game so if you are interested in our guild pm me on discord at McSchitter#2703 and we can hook ya up. If you want more info about our guild first just let me know c^=
  2. A lot of guilds require more than that, like our guild requires at least Hoenn completion and to join our discord, if you want to join Toxicity we can help yah complete hoenn faster just pm me at McSchitter#2703
  3. 1.6m
  4. If you have completed hoenn region, I would recommend you to check out the forum pages for guild recruitment. Our guild Toxicity would gladly take anyone once they meet our guild requirement, if you do need any help completing regions through hoenn let me know.
  5. 900 also is that GMT in the morning or pm?
  6. Hey Sieg, I can take care of you. Pm me on discord at McSchitter#2703 for details please.
  7. Normally unless you join a pretty unknown and really new guild you will not find a guild being as new as you are. My recommendation is to power through to at least hoenn completion. It is easy to do if you purchase garbage high level pokemon of the region. If you cannot find someone to sell you these mons you can pm me at McSchitter#2703 on Discord and I can probably guide you through getting through the regions quick to join our guild.
  8. Hey blazebrem, you can check our guild recruitment post for "Toxicity" if you like. We are pretty laxed but have very active leadership, events with rewards, and we have a program where we LEND members pvp and boss POKEMON with our guild currency. give us a look
  9. Hey jamble, if ur looking for a fun active guild with a lot of anime fans you can check out our guild forum page "Toxicity", if you meet our pretty minor requirements you are more than welcome to join ! We actually have one officer who is an intense anime fan so I am sure u two would get along just fine. Hope to see you soon, you can pm me on discord at McSchitter#2703 if you have anymore questions.
  10. If you want a place to chill and have events we are very relaxed at our guild Toxicity (name means nothing LOL) and just look to help our members. I have a program where I lend our guild a whole entire SELECTION of PvP pokemon to use which you pay using points you earn at guild events. If you wanna know more and are interested you can PM my discord at McSchitter#2703 or reply here. Happy guild searching!
  11. thanks for the background to my gif so good!
  12. In my opinion the best rewards are: Porygon (trick room might be coming soon to game), Rotom (decent bold rotom washes sell for incredibly high), and rerolls. Due to rotom being only farmable via this option really I will always advocate going for it because the amount you pay for the chance of getting a rotom that can be worth as much as a reroll ticket or more are already much better than a reroll itself but the RNG involved can definitely screw you too like it has to me. I have sync failed EVERY Rotom I have ever found no lie. Another interesting thing that you may try to do is if you save an absolute ton of points and one day have black membership running. You can spam snivys in hopes of getting that beast snivy one day.
  13. I actually would not know surprisingly. Believe it or not I have done easily double digits of runs now and I have gotten Mega Metagross ALL but one time which is the worse one for my weezing obnoxiously enough.
  14. weezing - toxic spike, willowisp, pain split, flamethrower, sludgebomb (usually you decide between the two dmg moves) impish ttar pref - mixed set or support set up to u tbh but stealth rocks is typically rlly good if ur doing bosses sand rush exca - rock slide, iron head, EQ, rapid spin/swords dance another tank is usually the answer
  15. Pretty much, some other rooms cab be annoying but with westher control and your tanks then there is no reason you should ever lose if you look at my guide while fighting them
  16. +1 why does this even need to be a suggestion tbh
  17. If things go right you should not need more than 2 revives. But this game has a funny way of needing you to use 10 or more. I am not sure what to replace for your last slot. I would recommend just looking at cynthia's teams and deciding what would be the worst case scenario for you unless you have some mon on your team
  18. You will not be able to sword dance on excadrill. Your lead will likely be weezing unless you see metagross. I cannot tell you how to fight from start to finish so it will require you to play a heads up style, i can only recommend a lot of things. Some good videos to watch though are from Belzebel and An1ma as they go through the battle tower. Lastly, bring plenty of revives
  19. Sand rush is needed or you will be outsped. When a ttar sets up sand you get a special defense bonus for all rock types so it is your discretion to switch but just keep that in mind. I cannot remember the name of the rock to increase sandstorm duration (i think smooth) but there is 1 for ALL weathers. Bronzong is very bad compared to weezing because you cannot get toxic spikes and pain split access but can still work maybe if you have access to setup moves like calm mind ehh? Not 100% sure how good since the typing is also very weak to multiple typings compared to just mono poison so they will not always use ground type move. Hope this helps.
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