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Crucifixuz last won the day on March 8 2022

Crucifixuz had the most liked content!


About Crucifixuz

  • Birthday 01/10/1998

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. I already tried them all with restart inbetween
  2. doesn't work for me :((
  3. bug: shinys that follow you don't sparkle anymore after recent update... :(((( I am sorry epitet
  4. hello ? are there even any admins still working on this game ?
  5. soon 1 year anniversary of this bug xD
  6. wtf xD better tell this to your therapist dude i dont really care
  7. I guess they have no idea how to fix it, it's going on for a half year now... game is frozen solid
  8. everyones playtime is still messed up... the discord mods either delete your requests on this matter or simply lie to you pretending it to be fixed already and "only require a maintenance" to go active... so it's been at least 3 maintenances since then and nothing has changed, pls fix this quickly, it's going on for so many months already... wth ?
  9. -1 it already got 2 new non-ms spawn areas lately. gen5 pokes should stay hard to obtain until unova comes out.
  10. can you bring back the original sprites of kanto starters + garchomp scizor magnezone etc ? the new blastoise and charizard look very strange
  11. yea ridiculous to throw my pvp coins in the bin... at least create a NEW ITEM for those "hybrid mounts" and dont void ppls hard work....
  12. other games also have a refund system and dont change MOVE SPEED and LOOKS of endgame prestige items to the state where they are unusable..... PLS REFUND
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