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Everything posted by Socksgunner32

  1. Thursday at 8:01 PM was the first bid This means auction will end Saturday at 8:01 PM Thank you
  2. someone already started sorry posting his picture now
  3. Starting Price: 1.5m Min Raise: 150k Instant Price: 8m 7.5m 6.5m 5.5m is the new instant price Payment Methods: Cash $$ and Coin Capsules 370k Auction will go for 2 days after first bid First bid was at 20:01 Local time . this means Auction will end 8th of August 20:01 Thank you and good luck
  4. Arceus :)
  5. Thank you so much bro ! appreciate it man
  6. yeah i know now how to get swords dance but the way to get it is stupid.. would never though that nincada needs to have it in order for shedinja to get is as well
  7. i tried the one in johto and didnt work
  8. Ok so i followed a build on smogon with shedinja having swords dance and i wanted to do it.. But i never knew that it can only learn SD if its pre evo (nincada) has it... I think its unfair cause its not a common thing in game that one pokemon can only learn a specific move only if its pre evo has it . and i believe many many players dont know that . i know this is not a suggestion but im asking if you can help me with my Shedinja and put the move Swords dance on it . i would appreciate that if you can do it. i cant recall any other poke with the same requirements like this and i hope you understand my confusion. i thought i just click on Tm and it will learn it but i was wrong. im also gonna show you a picture of my shedinja. ty
  9. Hi i was wondering if you can make my Magmoratr into a Magby? i would like to sacrfice it so i can Moltress. If you cant thats also fine :) That Magmortar was caught after i started the quest so it will be fine for the Fire elder. Thanks you for your time IGN: Socksgunner32 Silver server Screen shot provided Thank you no problem you too
  10. Silver Server Socksgunner32 my IGN I accidently released my pansage lvl 93and it was holding choice specs as well :( can u please restored it for me
  11. Quality message i agree
  12. Thank you , you awsome
  13. Hi there please help me delevel these 2 poke IGN: Socksgunner32 Silver server Squirtle 2 levels down please Wartortle 1 level down please
  14. alrighty :) <3
  15. cool :) but she charges you :( doesnt she?
  16. 1) When you add a choice item on your pokemon it must show the stat change on the card ( for example when you add a choice band on on dragonite it must show a different number in attack 2) Item recycle guy talks to much ! when you trading gems the chat takes so long so i was thinking maybe after you trade 10 gems it must ask you : do you wanna trade another 10 gems ? something like that 3) A better safari EV training map so you dont have to talk to the old man and then surf to the hp and special attack area. was thinking 1 big map with attack / speed + special attack on top and then defence / hp and special defence on bottom. also adding a pokemon of the EV outside the area so you know what you training .. for example add a pidgeot pokemon on speed area so players know :)
  17. Just a suggestion that i believe all the players in PRO will like :) Of course it comes with a cost was thinking maybe a mini quest to unlock the bridge + 100k
  18. Please message me with price
  19. 1: Searching names , for example: Need to be able to search for pokes like Rotom forms , mr mime junior , alolan forms 2: Game should ask you if you really wanna use master ball. Some people sometimes are so fast they accidentally usEEe a master ball 3: Releasing check. if you by mistake about to delete a legendary , event or shiny poke should the game should ask you if thats what you wanna do 4: Beldum catch rate is unacceptable and that should change. i have it on 1hp + sleep + ultra balls and i need around 100+ balls to be caught 5: Special box or pc for event and shiny pokemon 6: Gem exchange vendor, for example: You choose the gems you wanna trade (x10 fairy gems) and the vendor will randomly give you 10x gems of a different type 7: Add the first mega evolution mount ! ( people will go mad ) and last one but this is personal one forme 8: I would love to see a mount called Flying nimbuss ( from dragonball series ) i know its a big thing to ask but i can guarantee you people will love it Thanks hope you like my suggestions
  20. i trade a sinnoh poke to a player called Xaros1990 a bold magnezone and a jolly shinx.. he did not finish sinnoh yet and now he cant return the poke but trade didnt tell me that he cant take sinnoh poke.. can u please resolve it ?
  21. Hi :) count me in please thanks
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