Hey there,
I joined on November 10th. I've only played a little bit and just beat Misty in Cerulean City. So I haven't got too far. My Pokemon probably suck, but I have six of them at level 20 so I'm doing okay for a noob. :D
On July 17th of last year, I started playing Pokemon Go. That was the release date here in Canada. On July 16th of last year, all I knew about Pokemon was the Pikachu was one. I got addicted to that, and around November of last year I played some Soul Silver and Black. More recently I bought a 2DS XL with Pokemon Sun and I have Ultra Sun on preorder which should be available in the next few days.
I've seen the chat and I am on the Discord. There's a lot of talk about trading and such, and I really have no idea how EVs work. Pokemon Go is my main game and for someone who lives in Suburbia, I am very good at it. I have also spent a good amount of time on Bulbapedia. I have about 46 hours into Sun and building a good team is ridiculously easy because Wondertrade. It's certainly more challenging here but I think I know enough to at least level up and battle trainer NPCs. I have not tried PvP yet under the assumption that I would probably be run over. At least for now.
I am also a long time player of Dungeons and Dragons - the pen and paper game. Pokemon and other JRPGs have a good amount in common with D&D mechanically, and not just by accident. So I have a bit of an understanding of how things work, like the type chart which I really needed to consult when fighting Misty even though I've watched 13 episodes of Indigo League and know she uses Water. Heh heh, I need to git good but I'm having fun.
Anyhow, for the moment I am on the blue server, and my in game name should be the same as my forum name KrimsonGray. I won't accept your invitation to PvP because I suck, but otherwise I am open to chat. I'm a filthy casual but I have enough determination to make it through Mt Moon on the first try, even if I had to do it twice because the subsequent trainers took me out. I don't take the game too seriously but I do try and think out a strategy when it comes to battles. Especially because I am weak. But that's okay, there's a lot of content and locations here that I am not familiar with, and I like the challenge. I'd probably start a character on another server if I have a reason to. I think I have to git gud on blue first.
Feel free to say hi, especially if you might have some useful advice. That would be much appreciated. Thanks.