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Everything posted by Krimsongray

  1. I kind of got distracted playing Pokemon Sun last night. I'll try and be on tonight after work, and am trying to revive a tablet and see if I can play on that.
  2. You're the first response I got. :D
  3. I'm new to Pro. I play on Blue Server a little over 13 hours. I'm still learning and usually play in the evenings (MST, GMT -7) for a couple or few hours. My Pokemon suck and I'm probably not very good. I have three gym badges and mostly I just enjoy playing casually if there happens to be any like minded groups. I've seen the threads for the larger groups, though they seem more focused on players who are competitive, which I am not since I'd lose. :D Thanks for your consideration.
  4. 326. I haven't watched much since 2013.
  5. As a general rule, most things by Kyoto Animation and anything Clamp.
  6. My List Hmm... A top five. Good question. 1. Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e 2. Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 3. Chobits 4. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu 5. Everything Monogatari
  7. Gatchaman circa 1978. :D
  8. I've mostly been listening to the album Galapagos by Vocaloid artist Utsu-P.
  9. Thanks everyone. I'm slowly slogging my way along. Trying to get my Pokemon to level 30. They are something like 26-28 right now. I bought some coins so I could at least have some fashion options and a cute Glaceon to ride around on. I got Lapras too but apparently I need Surf.
  10. Will do. I seem to be okay so far. :) If something really frustrating shows up, I'll ask after scouring the forums for an answer. :D Also Shaul, Carlito2, and iSmurfy thanks for the welcome.
  11. Thanks kindly. I'll definitely check out those links. I just finished the upper right hand corner of the map and am attempting to move south from Cerulean. I play slow. :D
  12. Hey there, I joined on November 10th. I've only played a little bit and just beat Misty in Cerulean City. So I haven't got too far. My Pokemon probably suck, but I have six of them at level 20 so I'm doing okay for a noob. :D On July 17th of last year, I started playing Pokemon Go. That was the release date here in Canada. On July 16th of last year, all I knew about Pokemon was the Pikachu was one. I got addicted to that, and around November of last year I played some Soul Silver and Black. More recently I bought a 2DS XL with Pokemon Sun and I have Ultra Sun on preorder which should be available in the next few days. I've seen the chat and I am on the Discord. There's a lot of talk about trading and such, and I really have no idea how EVs work. Pokemon Go is my main game and for someone who lives in Suburbia, I am very good at it. I have also spent a good amount of time on Bulbapedia. I have about 46 hours into Sun and building a good team is ridiculously easy because Wondertrade. It's certainly more challenging here but I think I know enough to at least level up and battle trainer NPCs. I have not tried PvP yet under the assumption that I would probably be run over. At least for now. I am also a long time player of Dungeons and Dragons - the pen and paper game. Pokemon and other JRPGs have a good amount in common with D&D mechanically, and not just by accident. So I have a bit of an understanding of how things work, like the type chart which I really needed to consult when fighting Misty even though I've watched 13 episodes of Indigo League and know she uses Water. Heh heh, I need to git good but I'm having fun. Anyhow, for the moment I am on the blue server, and my in game name should be the same as my forum name KrimsonGray. I won't accept your invitation to PvP because I suck, but otherwise I am open to chat. I'm a filthy casual but I have enough determination to make it through Mt Moon on the first try, even if I had to do it twice because the subsequent trainers took me out. I don't take the game too seriously but I do try and think out a strategy when it comes to battles. Especially because I am weak. But that's okay, there's a lot of content and locations here that I am not familiar with, and I like the challenge. I'd probably start a character on another server if I have a reason to. I think I have to git gud on blue first. Feel free to say hi, especially if you might have some useful advice. That would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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