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  1. Need help I accidentally release my tornadus and I forgot to take a ss I hope you can help me
  2. Now I can
  3. 500k
  4. Auction sold insta:2.5m by nerox2
  5. Ok I'll online tell me your ign
  6. Auction start 800k By: Worksdiaaa time start 3:58pm gmt+8
  7. Hello everyone I want to auction my epic scizor Current Offer: 800k By worksdiaaa Min raise: 100k Insta: 2.5m Time: 3:58PM GMT+8 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20200821T1558&p0=145&msg=SCIZOR&font=cursive&csz=1 Payments: Pokedollars Cc=350k Auction end in 3days or 72hours GMT+8 Auction will start in first bid
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