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About Windyhan343

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  1. It's all working, man. It just didn't work for Toothless. For some reason Garchomp repeats "swords dance". Already klefki died in one shot. I was able to just reflect. I used the word Trash for Tootless method. Because I have to wait 11 more days. :) Klefki impish 45 def 213 spdef 252 hp whimscott bold 252 def 252 hp conkeldur adamant 252 atck 252 hp mew bold 150 def 180 spdef 180 hp Only my baton passer is "mew"... do you think i should use gliscor?
  2. anything not working. Toothless Garchomb using sword dance and one shoot all pokemons. Trash.
  3. Lag problem on the silver server for the last few hours. There was a lag fight with Morty, Guardian Suicune and the screen just stood. Finally threw it into the lobby. And when I wanted to fight again, he thought I was beaten. Nick: windyman Server: silver some problems: Guardian Suicune, Morty Can managers be interested in this issue? Thank you.
  4. anyone can help me?
  5. /up
  6. I need a Shedinja. But every time I try to evolve in Nincada, it becomes Ninjask. I tried day and night. I tried it when my party was full. I tried it with an empty slot at my party. I tried my party in complete idle.
  7. Username: windyhan343 Server to charge the money from: Gold Main Server to transfer: From Gold to Silver please
  8. I agree
  9. I just want to pay with my credit card without Paypal. I select the master card below from the payment screen. But it still connects to Paypal. Paypal is not supported in my country. Please help me.
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