Our friend is on vacation this week but should be back in a few days. I think the pokemon is available, This is his discord contact Samu#3558, if you have one you write them down and I'll see you contact as soon as possible. Thank you
Sell epic umbreon impish full 23+. Start bid 500k, insta 1.5m. the time will start from the first offer and will be two days. minimum increase is 50k
Name: Bryan98k
Offer: 1.2mk
Sure man. If you want you can contact our players on discord KasperKato#4275 and Apophi#9251. Otherwise in game with the names that are under the pokemon. If you want you can write
your discord contact and I will try to contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for your purchases
The larvesta has already been sold unfortunately. We apologize for this misunderstanding. We are many to put the pokemon in this shop and many times it is difficult to try to coordinate everything. We will remove the larvesta from the pokemon for sale. Thank you and good day!
I do not know if there is an area to give advice to the staff but anyway I want to try to write it here hoping that some staff will see the message. I often use lending and lending many pokemon I never remember when they come back. you could not create something so that you remembered how many days are still left to get your pokemon back? it would be a fantastic thing and above all safer. Thank you