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Everything posted by Mihawk95

  1. Auktio end in 48hrs after the first bid C.o.: 1.1m by Krekog insta: 3m Min. Raises: 100k
  2. Auction ends 3 days after the first offer. Start bid 500k Insta 1.5m Minimum 100k increments C.O: 600K
  3. hello i wtb floatzel :)
  4. Ty the info
  5. Hello I'm auctionning some pokes, each auction lasting 3days(72hours) after the 1st bid. offer here or pm me in game: Mihawk95 Start bid: 150k Insta: 400k Start bid: 50k Insta: 180k Start bid: 100k Insta: 400k
  6. Auction ends in 28h start bid: 800k insta 2m,raise minimum 100k for each bid best offer win or insta :)
  7. Re: godly ferroseed only serious offers <t>450 k</t>
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