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Everything posted by Yagato

  1. Hi there, i want to apply. 1. IGN: Yagato. 2. 779h of play. 3. My favorite poke is Trevenant. 4. I'm from Brazil. 5. 25 years old. 6. Silver Server.
  2. 1. Yagato 2. 765h 3. Trevenant 4. Brazil 5. 25 years old 6. 01.06.1994
  3. Hi, i've been wishing for this in years but finally came in forums. The fact is, i've always tryed to hear these maps songs, but battle music just keeps restarting them, so I pretty much just listen to the beginning of theses songs and battle music. Can you guys make a way to mute battle music? It could be an option, just like the way you did for bike/surf mount. I truly think it would be a great add to this game. Pls consider, love you all.
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  4. Get a prankster poke with reflect/light screen on your team (Klefki is a good one for this job). Whenever boss use a boost move like that you sacrifice a poke to put ur Prankster to set a priority wall, than use certain death move with your other pokes (toxic, leech seed, will-of-wisp, perish song or even Counter/Mirror Coat on their badass atks). Of course you can use the Prankster to directly set the debuff, i'm just giving you more options. Good luck!
  5. -1 That would create an unplayable lag on events.
  6. +1 I agree on bosses giving pve coins, but not dig spots (they're for money/farm, the game shouldn't give you the same rewards on everything)..and about improving the existent methods: 1. Win on bcc should earn at least 5 pve coins (since you can go there daily and free of charge, but will not win everyday). 2. Sinnoh Underground should be seriously revamped. You pay to enter, with no clue of success to get 1-3 pve coins and some items that nearly pays the entrance, all of that if you give some jewel to get a tier 3 hint. Should earn at least more than bcc, cause the access fee. 3. Battle Tower is already good as it is, cause its 100% garantee win, if you are prepared enough.
  7. hello, guys! The new update of tracks is awesome, thanks for the selection btw. However, I think those pokecenter's BGM still disapointing. The main reason for that is that we're constantly traveling and the city BGM keeps restarting after we enter in the center, subway and city; so pretty much we only hear the intros of those songs, otherwise we must keep slacking in the city for no reason except for listen those tracks. The second reason, its cause whenever we are on a city (any city) we hear it and we pass most of time inside the center (checking storage, going in for battle, trade, access subway/teleport...) so its like all the citys had the same bgm, all theses years and that kinda depress. My suggestion is to change the Pokecenter's BGM for the City's BGM, except maybe for those on the middle of a Route (those can keep the original track, so it will continue on the game). Thats it, thanks for your time.
  8. Corsola don't spawns anywhere in the evening, didn't try in daytime yet.
  9. why not make all of them fast surf? They are all mounts, and have almost same spd as walking, doesn't make any sense...
  10. Hello guys, I saw the update and I like it very much (except surf mounts), but there still the question: Will we get an event map for this year? I'm looking forward for this since the beginning of the year, and it seens we can only get a Gira Wings on it. I just wanna know if I have anything to expect. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. Seriously Fluffles...how can that not be too far off? VenomXile, i've started on Yellow (Gold) and came to Blue, which merge with Red (the two biggest servers at that time, turning into Silver) guess I was just tired to see too many empty maps...don't fall for the speech that they are equals, they're not.
  12. well...i'll let this image show you the truth. Have fun ^^
  13. well...i didn't like it, the only place you get to see megas and some legends is in a boss battle, if you take them out...and then again, boss battle aren't broken because their untrained pokes, but because ppl use the same pokes for a garanteed win against them (slowbro, blissey, snorlax, seaking), put more mixed attackers to beat these pokes, and pls fix the dumb npcs AI...if a move didn't worked on the first try, make them use another one. Using thunder punch forever against a Seaking just because of his type is horrible, predictable...banning seaking because of boss AI...really? Psycho cut until a slowbro get max calm mind is worse etc. Things like that will not change with their pokes holding items or not, and even if works we will continue to see only the same tanker pokes on those battles.
  14. up
  15. up
  16. up ^^
  17. yep, I accept this trade. I'll pm you ingame.
  18. i'm just trading for eye patch
  19. up
  20. up
  21. IGN: Yagato Discord Tag: Yagato#2639 Server: Silver Cool
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