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  1. https://prnt.sc/hklh0t is where I'm stuck at the secret door right before Giovanni in celdon rocket hide out and https://prnt.sc/hklfkm shows it's gone from my inventory I had accidentally clicked the card key by accident meaning to hit the lift key and I look back and it's gone I already defeated all the Eevee evolutions and went through both mazes, battled every NPC there is to battle and now I'm stuck without a card key to get through the door. I also cannot finish the quest because the card key has dissapeared making me stuck in Celadon. Is there a way somebody can just reset the whole quest for me so I can do it again??? :Frown:
  2. i accidentally hit Card key instead of the lift key then it disappeared.....can't finish quest....help? :Frown:
  3. I accidentally messed up and used the card key too early any suggestions how to get out, i have no escape rope..... I'm stuck
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