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Everything posted by Ily2

  1. Still looking for these.. Bump ~
  2. Bump
  3. Burmp
  4. Bump :)
  5. Bumperoo
  6. My IGN is ily2 and I'm looking for 20+ all IVs for these pokes! They can be trained, levelled, evolved, or none of that. :) Chansey/Blissey: Bold or Calm / Natural Cure Eelektross: Ada or Jolly Florges: Bold, Calm, Modest Crustle: Ada, Jolly / Sturdy Gardevoir: Timid, Modest, Calm / Trace My Discord is Oyy #1022, please let me know if you have any of these! Thank you!
  7. Hello, I start 600. Thanks!
  8. Ayush took my pokes this morning, he didn't mention anything about giving them to someone else. He always did the pokes himself in the past. If he's passing them to you, he should know that he's responsible for my pokes until i get them back. He will talk to me if there's any issues. See you around :)
  9. Hello again, I need EV training for these 8 pokes: Buneary: atk/spd Pansear: atk/spd Froakie: spd/spatk Eevee: spd/spatk Pineco: atk/hp Stunky: atk/spd Torchic: atk/spd Ferro: def/hp You already have my Discord :) I need them done before the 18th if possible, thanks!
  10. my ign is ily2 and my discord is Oyy #1022
  11. pm me in game, my user is ily2
  12. Hello Ayush, I need ev training for these 10 pokes: Duskull: spdef/hp Azurill: atk/hp Eevee: spd/spatk Sneasel: atk/spd Chinchou: spdef/hp Drifloon: spatk/hp Gible: atk/spd Trapinch: atk/spd Haunter: spatk/spd Snivy: spatk/spd My Discord is Oyy #1022 and my IGN is ily2. Thanks!
  13. 50k sewaddle
  14. 850
  15. 750 here
  16. Please close ty
  17. Time's up, sold to Juan99 for 4m. Juan99 please contact me in game, I haven't seen you since the bid... thanks!
  18. 4.5 hours left!! boomp!
  19. pm me in game @ ily2 :)
  20. Bumperoo, 38 hours left :)
  21. Bid started at 9:30 EDT time. C.o 4m by Juan99
  22. Hello everyone, I'm auctioning this shiny Dusknoir for 72 hours, which starts after the first bid. Start is 4m, insta is 8m. The minimum bid increase is 100k. I also accept cc 350k. Happy bidding! My IGN is ily2 and my discord is Oyy #1022. Thanks and good luck! :)
  23. I'll start the modest eevee 400k :)
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