Re: Xmas Dratini 48 hours / Start at first bid
<r><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s><B><s></s>Current offer 3.5m by Kaijuwar:<br/>
<IMG src=""><s></e></IMG><br/>
Auction ends in 48 hours starting now. (Rounded up to 20:00PM EST time)<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR></r>
Auction will last 48 hours and timer starts at the first bid. Minimum bid increase is 100k and starting price is 3m. The insta price is 5m.
Thank you! :Angel:
Re: Prabin's insta and bidding shop!!!!!(currently bidding rampardos c.o 200k ends in about 2 days)
<t>Hello, I will buy the scizor please. My IGN is ily2 and discord is Oyy #1022<br/>