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Everything posted by Ily2

  2. I don't think it's worth 2m, if you'd like to trade for other pokes though let me know c: My ign is ily2
  3. Title says it all and I can pay well. Any nature that doesn't hinder main stats and that isn't neutral is fine. Ability doesn't matter either. Link what you have :) Only post if 20+ all ivs. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I'll start 400k
  5. Bamp :3
  6. Re: Tank Abomasnow <t>I'm getting tired of bumps, someone buy it >.<</t>
  7. Foreverbog is getting one price checked right now, you could try getting his :p Gl!
  8. That Seismitoad isn't hydration xd
  9. Re: Tank Abomasnow <t>Bump xd</t>
  10. You can probably get like 500k-600k for that Chansey :p Gl with your shop!
  11. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <r><QUOTE author="Mrwriter" post_id="503540" time="1517587961" user_id="881161"><s> </e></QUOTE> Starly #2 right? 1d auction ^^ <E>:thanks:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> Is the action done yet xd</r>
  12. Actually I got it in a trade... Where he also payed me 1.9m for a few pokes :D
  13. Re: Garchomp, Scizor, Abomasnow <t>Scizor and Garchomp sold :D boooomp</t>
  14. Pc please :D Thanks!
  15. Re: **MrWriter's Personal Shop** <t>Start 20+ starly</t>
  16. Re: Garchomp, Scizor, Abomasnow <t>Bump c:</t>
  17. Re: Garchomp and Scizor <t>Bump added Abomasnow and lowered other prices</t>
  18. Hello, I'd like a pc for this :) Thanks! :D
  19. Gave him 5 pokes to train, he did 4 of them and refunded the other.. Also not the fastest around. I'm going back to my regular trainer. Best of luck anyways.
  20. Re: ☆REVERSEZ SHOP☆(Update 23-01-18 ) <t>Aggron 250k?</t>
  21. Re: ily2's small sale xd <t>Gyarados sold xd</t>
  22. All in the title :) You can contact me on discord at: Oyy#1022 Thanks!
  23. Re: 20+ Snorlax Careful/Thick 8 hours left <t>Closed, sold to Hoanppham for 1m1.</t>
  24. Re: 20+ Snorlax Careful/Thick c.o 1m1 <r><QUOTE author="hoanppham" post_id="499692" time="1516857275" user_id="1990526"><s> </e></QUOTE> lol, just bumping the thread so it shows first in the list ^ There's about 8 hours left :)</r>
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