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About Lenova

  • Birthday 03/25/1997

Personal Information

  • Career
    Grapical Designer/Student.
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  • Occupation
    Grapical Designer/Student.

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  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r>● Name/IGN:<I><s></s> Lenova<e></e></I><br/> ● Are you active in Discord? <I><s></s>Yes, I have discord and I'm willing to hop on a discord when I'm playing PRO.<e></e></I><br/> ● Where are you from? <I><s></s>Belgium<e></e></I><br/> ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? <I><s></s>I'm "New" at PRO, I have currently around 50 hours of in-game time. However I joined at 07/01/2016 but took a break from PRO right before the first E4. Now I'm catching up with this game again. I'm online a few days every week.<e></e></I><br/> ● What's your goal in PRO? <I><s></s>To finish all regions and get a good list of pokemon for pvp at the end.<e></e></I><br/> ● Why do you want to be part of Reborn? <I><s></s>I'm looking for a group to play with to make it feel less lonely while I'm going through the regions. I'd just like to be part of something. I'm sure allot of your members will be able to teach me lots of things that I dont know about PRO. And I'm willing to help out people aswell :)!<e></e></I><br/> <br/> ● Short introduction of myself. <br/> I'm Arno known as Lenova IG and on the forums. I'm currently around my twenties and studying to become a graphical designer. I already finished school though but I'm following some lessons somewhere now. Beside studying I also love to travel and get to see/learn new things.</r>
  2. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <r><QUOTE author="JollyolNathan" post_id="388694" time="1495458015" user_id="669409"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Is the best way to grind your pokemons to 80+ at the cave below the Elite 4?</r>
  3. Lenova


    Thanks, I never knew there were more options, I feel kinda dumb right now. I've even discovered by heading back to the paypal page that I am able to use me debit card to place money on my Paypal account with a few easy steps. Thank you! I owe you one :)
  4. Is paypal really the only way to donate for pokemon revolution online? Isn't there another way? I'd really like to donate but I'm not able to use paypal since I don't own a credit card, I do own a debit card but you cant use that on paypal sadly.
  5. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <t>This guide is really helpfull, thank you!<br/> But damn it, I need to grind my pokemons from lvl 60 to 90? phew... It's going to be a pain in the ass untill i'm ready for The Kanto Elite 4.</t>
  6. Oh my bad, I didn't knew about that thread. However this is my vieuw of two factions.
  7. Oh my bad, I didn't knew about that thread.
  8. Perhaps you could put in two factions you could be able to join but is not necessary , like the "good" guys and the "bad" guys. So if you choose one of those factions there is constantly Open world PVP between eachother, The good can always attack the bad guys and vica versa. let's say this feature would be only for more experienced players since you don't want new players to accidently choose an faction and then get attacked the whole time as they're grinding trough the storyline and levels. For more experienced players this could be a cool feature and brings more "risk" and environment to the gameplay. Some small rewards could come allong with it like cosmetic gear, titels etc... Just imagine if you're training somewhere and the enemy faction comes allong and starts to attack you, you could write towards your faction chat for help and your faction comes over to help you and a huge battles randomly appears. Huge PVP events could come with it too to take over "Towns" that are controlled between those two factions etc... Also an toggle to put your PVP on and and off perhaps. What do you guys think and are feel free to say and share your own idea's for even more content with this idea! :)
  9. Maybe you could put in two factions you could be able to join but is not necessary , like the "good" guys and the "bad" guys. So if you choose one of those factions there is constantly Open world PVP between eachother, The good can always attack the bad guys and vica versa. let's say this feature would be only for more experienced players since you don't want new players to accidently choose an faction and then get attacked the whole time as they're grinding. For more experienced players this could be a cool feature and brings more "risk" and environment to the gameplay. Some small rewards could come allong with it like cosmetic gear, titels etc... Just imagine if you're training somewhere and the enemy faction comes allong and starts to attack you, you could write towards your faction chat for help and your faction comes over to help you and a huge battles randomly appears. Edit: i'll write this one down onto a Suggestion itself so people could discuss about it too! :)
  10. Re: My Shiny Collection. <t>*Cough, cough* Jealous ahem...<br/> Nice collection man! :)</t>
  11. Hiya! I'm LeNova I'm better known as Nova on other communities but hey, seems like I gotta use this one on here! :) I recently started playing Pokemon GO and was looking around on the internet for other pokemon games and ended up on this one. Started playing PRO and I gotta say /Woowee/ it got me hooked real fast! I'm playing onto the Red server so feel free if you catch me around to start a quick chat. Ps: i'm that typical guy who reads all the forum posts at night, yeah... Have a good one and catch 'em all!
  12. Hai there! I'm LeNova, better known as Nova. I've been part in plently of communties, worked with plenty of communities and such... whatever :D. I'm new here and i'm actually downloading the game right now and tbh I cant fricking wait to start up the game and start my epic adventure in Pokemon Revolution Online! Well, hopefully I ran up to all of you IG! Have fun Pokemoning!
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