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  1. So i just merged my account and i logged into the server and before i merged this account i went on and made a character but then i emrged my old data and went back in and im still at the beginning and nothing merged. WHat happened?
  2. i lost my choice band..idk how i searched whole items list and checked if any pokemon is holding it but no its not anywhere pls help ;-;
  3. I have a question to them so where can I?
  4. I woke up Snorlax with the poke flute at the intersection. Is he not possible to catch? As you can see in the image attached the Snorlax health is almost non existent and I used 10 Pokeballs, 6 Greatballs, and 8 Ultraballs and thats when i ran out so I just had to beat him. Thank you.
  5. hello guys i am having a problem.the problem is that i cant chat in any chat like help,trade,all etc but i can pm with others how
  6. Ok so I have recently started to play PRO and I am hooked. I play desktop on my Mac. So I was hoping to play it on the go but I do not have a windows computer or an android phone, I just have a Chromebook. So I was wondering, would I be able to run PRO on my Chromebook? If so, how?
  7. I get the Message of the following day while speaking to the Advent Boss. (Today it was the message of the tenth which says something about ten men entering a den). I don't think it's a time zone related thing because I batteled it around 18:00 CET today. I noticed it yesterday already (got the message of the 9th) but thought it might be a one-time thing. Maybe it has something to do with me battling the boss on the 8th at ~0:10 CET, then checking it later the day at around 15:00 CET and being able to battle the boss, then with the message of today.
  8. im in sinnoh and i want burmy but i cant arrive at the 207 route but i cant go accross the cave because i havent rock smash for destruct some rock can you help me?
  9. how to repel trick scyther and what is the specific lvl of pokemon in the 1st party ty :)
  11. Hi,, i wanna ask that, currently im still in Kanto region.. if i buy some pokemons from other region(Johto,Hoen,Sinnoh).. will it playable for me ? Or i need to unlock the specific region than only i can use those pokemons.
  12. 什么样的口袋妖怪可以在这个圣诞节成为圣诞节?
  13. hello i do quest like this video to unlock map event but after talk with Wattson and back to lilycove 3 NPC cant give me in NEED HELP https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/462071019012882432/524100596903706627/unknown.png
  14. Today i was trying to open pro but this icon appeard also i redownload PRO 2 times and restart my pc aswell i have a document about the crash saying: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at ClientPatcher.Form1.XDelta(String src, String delta, String dst) at ClientPatcher.Form1.Stage1() at ClientPatcher.Form1.ExceptionWrapper() The system cannot find the file specified System at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at ClientPatcher.Form1.XDelta(String src, String delta, String dst) at ClientPatcher.Form1.Stage1() at ClientPatcher.Form1.ExceptionWrapper()
  15. Hello! I was doing some researching about the Psyduck Hat Quest, and it said that you are not supposed to pick Pikachu as your starter pokemon and the quest will appear for you at route 25. The reason I am here is that the quest ( Psyduck NPC ) isn't there below Bill's House? Please, Someone, respond!!!
  16. Guest

    My membership

    Hey. My membership ran out today and i really dont understand that - since i'm 99% sure that i bought the 30 day one on 9 December. After i purchased it, i enabled it. I have been looking in my backpack and i have the small MS. My username is Duerenkran I'm on silver. If u need my email adress, just write it.
  17. When merging with the new servers, i accidentally merged with the Red server. My main was on the Blue server. I was wondering if there was anyway for me to change this as my Blue account is at the Johto Elite 4 and my Red is just after Pewter.
  18. Ho un problema, ho ricevuto tre palle al livello 2 del casinò, poi ho spento il pc sono tornato e non ce l'ho più, puoi gentilmente lasciarlo tornare indietro?
  19. I was leveling my rotom up to lv 95 in cerulean cave. I was about to evolve it at route 120 and i realized it doesnt work anymore. So i went to the boxes and start evolving there. Just when i got rotom-wash server crashed. At the time i was back he was missing and he is still missing at my party and pc boxes. Server crashed time : Around 05:00 CET Pokemon is caught 1-2 weeks ago. He is my OT and i got it in excavation sites. His nature was bold. Ivs: Atk= dont remember Def = 23-31 SPE = 17-19 SATK = 05 SPDEF = 23-31 HP = 23-31 Is there any way to get it back? Cheers
  20. hi i made all requirements to fight boss Ash Westbrook but i dont see him in Spear Pillar,he simply isnt there,,,can you fix these please
  21. Right now I'm blocked because it does not talk on pc and after that I do not work the teleports that are right there in discord the moderators told me that the client will reboot first after that my router asked them what my router had to do with the game since my connection worked perfectly and they said that it could be my connection's fault ... well, they were equivalent in everythin this is acc my girlfriend OT :Marmarva
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