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  1. Computer decided it wanted to update and game closed. I go back to the tree and i cant pass i go and talk to detective Basile and tells me i couldnt find anything and that im an amateur. Need help fixing please
  2. Hi, I obtained this Chansey about 1-2 months ago and for some reason I can't find it. I, for the life of me, can't remember trading it to anybody. Can I know where it is/who's account it is on? Sorry for the bad quality. IGN: Bagv, Server: Silver
  3. My exp share bugged out suddenly and wouldnt attach to any poke,so i relogged and then it completely vanished. It isnt even in any poke from pc,completely poofed. would be great if i could have my only xp share back
  4. Just wondering If any new regions or stuff has been added since I used to play last. I tried looking on forums but had a hard time looking through it.i remember people talking about a custom region coming, has that been released https://routerlogin.uno/ ?
  5. I am on gold server i have almost 10k hours and because i love and respect so much pokemon revolution online i wanna report my dashbord is bugged and i can transfer for free silver to gold server any moderator of can check this. I mean i can transfer any time not 1 time per month @Manbat
  6. Hi, sorry for my english, the problem is when i want enter to game (i haven´t played in years) . sign appears saying "please confirm your device by following the instructions that have been sent to your E-mail. double click here to resend" but i don´t remember the email where i registered the account Can you tell me what email it is registered to? thanks. the name account is : Matythebest
  7. my charmelon has reached level 36, but it has not evolved i used rare candy and the problem was solved
  8. Is anyone trying to catch a bulbasuar in howling woods, i just met 1 after about 8 hours lol, want to find a chlorophyl and nice nature it may take 1 year lol ???? Petilil is rare too but i met 4-5 lol
  9. Buenas alguien sabe como activar la misión del barco negro en el puerto de Hoenn, porque al hablar con los tres npc que hay al lado del barco negro no ocurre nada.
  10. Hi, I want to transfer servers, so I'm wondering what mons I have currently lent out and to whom I've lent to. Thank you!
  11. I just want to ask for help regarding my accounts since I made 5 of them, I read before that the maximum account should only be 4 but I lost my Gmail account on that last one, so I did not continue playing there. I want to remove the account name Tomoca, which only has 2 gym badges if I'm correct. I enjoyed playing this game and don't want to get banned because of my mistake. I hope you help me and consider this reason of mine. Thank you
  12. Buenas alguien sabe como se activa la misión de Jessie y James en Ciudad Azulona y en que consiste la misión?
  13. Hi, Need assistance in locating a poke Owner of the poke: Mamathieu He had gave me his account before leaving pro, last year I had to leave for personal reasons and at last this poke was in my account, however, can't seem to find it now. OT: Mutantnair Please help me with the account name where this poke is located. Regards Archr
  14. With kind respect, i just wanted to inform that im hunting for a pinsir in breakers beach and safari area 1 for like 3 hours to complete my arcanine mount quest, still it didnt appeared for a single time.. 1.is this some sort of bug or there's any trick to catch one? 2.does repel trick works on it?
  15. hi, following a discussion with our dear friend @Shinohara, i'm reposting a previous issue that i reported via discord (should be fixed). the problem was/is as follows: NPC : Conrad This npc offers a service for mega-evolving certain mount for either 400,000 pokedollars, 100 Pvp Coins or 200 PvE Coins. Issue : This npc introduced new mounts that could mega-evolve, I was really hype, so I immediately wanted to spend my money on it >< but what a surprise it was when, after purchasing it, my mount (tyranitar shiny) completely disappeared from my bag, no mega mount, no tyranitar (shiny) mount in my bag ... so i tried to unmega-evolve it, and i got my tyranitar shiny mount back, the problem is that in the meantime, i lost 400 000 pokedollars IGN info : Hanine : SILVER server
  16. Donde capturo a Venipede?
  17. Hi GM, as u can check the ID : Megaxusarts , is play this game since 2015 , i remember from server blue and red yah, and now become gold and silver, i already change to one of dat server , i have maybe not alot playtime , but im sure , im a active player since 2015 to 2019 , so i wanna ask, last time i have 5million pokedollar and alot of pokemons in my pokedex, and now i want play again in this 2023 , now my account is clear and empty like a baby , where is my pokemons and pokedollar ? i know GM have ability to chase my problem and fix my curiousity , with my pleasure, please help me love this game , from the first time i know :peace
  18. Pokémon: Scizor Pokémon ID: 50117035 Reason: Accidental Release. Was releasing unwanted Pokémon and accidentally released my level 100 Scizor Pokémon: Natu timid sync Pokémon ID: 62711803 Reason: Accidental Release. Wanted to release a Spinda I just caught for the news quest (Solceon town) accidentally released my Natu sync instead Please could you restore these 2 Pokémon for me, I use Scizor for quests and Natu for syncing especially in Excavations
  19. So, imagine I have 4 accounts already and according to rule we can have 4 accounts so if one of my account got perm ban and the appeals got rejected can I make another account replacing that one ?
  20. i went in the museum in Slateport City fought jackson and didnt talk to the Captain before that.. now he is gone how am i supposed to end the quest line
  21. I checked my emails and i cant find the link it asks me when i try to logg in or when i even try to change email can u help me change mail or tell me what mail was it maybe im not even logged in to the mail
  22. why doesn't anyone help with my email I've been for a half day without message or notification i look forward to your response
  23. Tipo de solicitud : por liberación por error Nombre de usuario : Gazzotti Servidor : Pokémon dorado : Gliscor DNI : 67340645 por error libere mi gliscor me gustaria recuperarlo
  24. what is this clothing called and how do i acquire it? discord was no help at all
  25. I don't know much about the game mechanics, so I want to ask something I caught a Kyurem and I want to Convert it into White-Kyurem. Is there any way to do that? If not, where can I get a White-Kyurem? My Kyurem has pretty bad stats. Is there any way to fix it? Hope someone can help answer this Thanks a lot.
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