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for Pokemon like Riachu in normal games he doesn't learn moves by level up after evolving from a Pikachu. Is it the same way in PokeOne?


Hey[uSER=287863] 1ydal5Jacob,[/uSER]


I have no idea if it is the same way in PokéOne as it is a complete different game and this forum is only for Pokémon Revolution Online. In PRO it is like in the normal games, it does not learn any move by level up if eolved to Raichu.


To know how it is in PokéOne, you have to try to contact their support. Here is their Discord server: https://discord.gg/bNYRTFn

This is all I can do for you, I hope it helps in some way.^^


I hope you have a good day! :)

Regards Xylos

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