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Android keeps crashing


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Every time I visit the goldenrod gym to challenge a trainer the game crashes. When I come back to challenge the same trainer in goldenrod it won't allow me to challenge the same trainer again so i move on to the next trainer and the same thing happens again.

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Every time I visit the goldenrod gym to challenge a trainer the game crashes. When I come back to challenge the same trainer in goldenrod it won't allow me to challenge the same trainer again so i move on to the next trainer and the same thing happens again.


Hey[uSER=1647954] Skeletonmaster[/uSER],


Im sorry for this inconvenience.

Please try to download the newest version of PRO again, you can find the newest version at our Download Page. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new.


Let me know if it works.

If not, could you tell me on which kind of device you are playing and if there is any Crash log appearing after the crash?


Regards Xylos

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

General Support|Ban Appeals|Bug Resolution

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  • 9 months later...
Lmfao its been having crashes sense 2016 the Android version is extremely unstable. Not only do the dev's refuse to fix it its not even a main priority should probably just uninstall an play a better game tbh


I don't know where you take your information from but the android version gets updated as all other versions and there is not really a difference between the amount of crashes of Android and PC users. Furthermore we had some additions lately which apply for the Android version only.


Issues can happen. Problems in a way the autor of this thread had, can usually be fixed by a re-download and it has nothing to do with fix a dev has to create. So, it is usually not hard to have such a issue like here solved neither do dev's refuse to fix anything. I don't want to talk the problems down we currently have, but they are worked on and have nothing to do with this case.

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

General Support|Ban Appeals|Bug Resolution

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