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1.Search Button= i think it wouldn't be a game breaking problem if we let players navigate through the map easily by adding some kind of search thing in map. this is to help players who's asking "where is 'blah blah'?" for example when we're looking for spear pillar, it would show the exact place of it and we can just check for the nearest city on it.

2.Headbutt/dig sites button= as the suggestion about locating headbutt/dig sites in the MAP itself i suggest to put this button but it will only display the routes or the location of the sites and have nothing to do with map.

3. Mega Evolutions= Giving players who have enough hours of playtime the chance to get mega stones wouldnt be a big problem since i think the main reason why were not implementing it yet is because of pvp. It may sound unfair to players who plays pvp but doesn't have enough time but it would motivate more players to be more active (we could give one mega stone per players per month who rich a certain amount of rating or available in pvp shops) .

4. Guild Island= i havent seen this suggestion in Denied or Possible suggestions to get implemented so i just want to bump this as i like the idea of having an area that is exclusive only for a guild.

5.new channel= A dedicated channel just for pvp that displays every information during the battle like items used, time stamps, moves used, etc.

6. locked pokemons= this suggestion applies for players who doesn't finish the story. right now they cant take pokemons from other region (beaten or unexplored regions) until they beat the 8th gym of the current region they are in. i suggest we let them take Pokemon from all region but put it in a locked section of the box. -how ate they going to sell it if they want to? well i think about adding additional poke slot that can be turned on and off ofc dedicated for locked pokemons. basically if they want to put it in their slot to sell it or show it in chat they can but this slot wont or will never be used in any battle.

7. merge?= i noticed that everytime im online on daytimes there are only around 1k players online on silver and i have no idea why dont u just merge the 2 servers? there are 3 servers before and u merge red and blue to avoid crash and maybe make the servers more stable so why not just have a single server.

8. bosses= waiting for atleast 12 days just to fight a boss and an unexpected crash during the fight is super annoying.. i suggest having or giving a player a personal rollback (only affects players who proved that they are battling the boss during the time of crash).

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1.Search Button= i think it wouldn't be a game breaking problem if we let players navigate through the map easily by adding some kind of search thing in map. this is to help players who's asking "where is 'blah blah'?" for example when we're looking for spear pillar, it would show the exact place of it and we can just check for the nearest city on it.

2.Headbutt/dig sites button= as the suggestion about locating headbutt/dig sites in the MAP itself i suggest to put this button but it will only display the routes or the location of the sites and have nothing to do with map.

both probably would crowd the map too much


3. Mega Evolutions= Giving players who have enough hours of playtime the chance to get mega stones wouldnt be a big problem since i think the main reason why were not implementing it yet is because of pvp. It may sound unfair to players who plays pvp but doesn't have enough time but it would motivate more players to be more active (we could give one mega stone per players per month who rich a certain amount of rating or available in pvp shops) .

1. They are not in the game cuz they are not coded yet, nothing todo with PVP balance

2. restricting megas to only PVP players is a bad idea


4. Guild Island= i havent seen this suggestion in Denied or Possible suggestions to get implemented so i just want to bump this as i like the idea of having an area that is exclusive only for a guild.

literally on the website rework thread it states that we will be able to purchase a guild island (unsure if that is still the goal)


5.new channel= A dedicated channel just for pvp that displays every information during the battle like items used, time stamps, moves used, etc.

would probably be too much for the server to handle


6. locked pokemons= this suggestion applies for players who doesn't finish the story. right now they cant take pokemons from other region (beaten or unexplored regions) until they beat the 8th gym of the current region they are in. i suggest we let them take Pokemon from all region but put it in a locked section of the box. -how ate they going to sell it if they want to? well i think about adding additional poke slot that can be turned on and off ofc dedicated for locked pokemons. basically if they want to put it in their slot to sell it or show it in chat they can but this slot wont or will never be used in any battle.

sounds like too much work for little to no reason at all, just finish the story


7. merge?= i noticed that everytime im online on daytimes there are only around 1k players online on silver and i have no idea why dont u just merge the 2 servers? there are 3 servers before and u merge red and blue to avoid crash and maybe make the servers more stable so why not just have a single server.

Server code is bad, so that's a big no-no also there are time where PRO has over 3k players online with 1,8k being max per server since sounds not like the smartest suggestion at least not now

8. bosses= waiting for atleast 12 days just to fight a boss and an unexpected crash during the fight is super annoying.. i suggest having or giving a player a personal rollback (only affects players who proved that they are battling the boss during the time of crash).

I agree crashes are annoying and the cooldown of 12 days is a little too long imo but welp up to scripters

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Only thing I can agree with is boss cooldowns. I've only been playing a month and I'm starting to get bored. All I really do is pvp, but alot of times I cant find a ranked match because lack of players that pvp. Perhaps boss cooldowns should be lowered a bit and make it 5+ wins in a row to choose a prize. Would give me something to do when I'm bored.

Only ranked pvp is active.


Unranked is unactive because most players that reach the requirements to get a full lvl 100 team, usually go directly to ranked battle queue.


I have suggested to make the requirement for unaranked queue to have a full at least lvl 50 team, and set all the pokemon on your team to 50 once in the battle (like in console games). I strongly think that would make casual battlers more active in unranked queue.

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