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Boss revamp discussion: Need your opinion


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Boss requirements: I think requirements should either stay the same or be slightly buffed, by maybe adding some sidequests to do every 12 days before you do the boss, I.E for brock maybe you have to get a certain geodude with the right nature or minimum ivs that are OT, though that might become tedious. If thats too much to ask, id say keep them the same.



Since bosscrits make me cry and flame enough, im not looking to get banned from the community because of an increase in difficulty, as some bosses are actually quite difficult on their own, however if you could relate the prize to the difficulty, it would be reasonable to increase difficulty, I.E in you third time, you choose the prize before the battle, this decides the difficulty on the battle and therefore allows people to get a more specific goal to work towards

sidenote, maybe adding more superbosses to work towards, as I like the idea of superboss but only working on one can limit the fun of it.


Cooldown: Cooldown is alright at the moment, however maybe adding a temporary cooldown medallion ms, or maybe after beating them three times, either increase or decrease the time span as both have their reasons. Also maybe if you choose your prizes before the battle, increase the cooldown based on difficulty.


This is all speculation and probably won't be acknowledged, however its coming from someone who gets bare salty at this game so take it with a pinch of salt.

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Requirements- remove pokemon requirement. Jesse and James for example.


Difficulty- I believe that the bosses should have a level difficulty like normal, hard, and extreme.


Cool downs- should vary from how hard the bosses are.

For example, Normal, less rewards , & 100hr cool down.

Hard, medium rewards, & 150 hr cooldown.

Extreme, high rewards, & 200 hr cooldown.

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- Boss requirements (playtime, not having one poke in your team, ...)

- Difficulty (would you mind getting tougher, more challenging bosses but for the same rewards?)

- Cooldown (would you mind getting 4-5 days cooldowns, but with a lowered amount of rewards?)


My thinking about bosses is more global than just this points. Some months i posted this :


In this post, we can see that all bosses can give in average 750-800k, with this statement, doing bosses is the best way to gain money in this game (way before digs, farming money in cerulean cave, sells pkm, etc.). Fews weeks ago, some players noticed bosses gave them less moneys than they are supposed to give. Making bosses less interesting to do for money. I think the bosses rewards for pkm or items are not very interesting, the main reason players do it is for money, the others rewards are just a little bonus. Only pkm without spawn are interesting.

From my personal experience (i know personal experience is not an argue, but it explains my feelings for the next point), the temporary bosses on vulcan island were not very interesting for rewards, and the cooldown was very very annoying.

With all the things to do on PRO, doing bosses all the time is not the must interesting part of PRO, with lower cooldown we will only play for bosses if the rewards stays the same. If you reduce the rewards to put a lower cooldown, bosses will become less interesting to do : the time to beat the bosses will stay the same but the rewards are lower.

The main limit on this game is the game time; if i have 1 hour of game time today, i have to pick what i will do; imagine doing bosses for 1 hour give 30k rewards, but in an other side, killing pkm in cerulean cave give 40k. My choice and the one for others players will be the same: pick cerulean cave. The only reason to pick bosses would be to have some "fun" to do something else (this "fun" would cost 10k). It can work during fews weeks, or months; but after a time, player will not feel the same "fun" doing bosses. It's my case actually, it's the first time since i started the game i didn't do my bosses this last 2 weeks because rewards are lower.

Furthermore, we have now 41 bosses to do every 12 days (some more, some less, whatever), it takes time to do it every time. Reducing the cooldown would make us do bosses all the time :(

So, i don't think reducing cooldown is a good idea. For me, it should be the opposite, increase it and higher rewards. But i don't feel others players would follow me on it :') Specially for new players that want to do Guardians for their legendaries xD


My point about number of bosses brings me to another idea : it might be time to reduce the number of bosses. A good part of bosses are named for staff members that worked during 1 year in staff, it may be time to delet to others bosses not named by staff members to reduce the number.


Concerning the difficulty of bosses, i don't think it's possible to create very difficult bosses without totally make it cancer. Each team of boss is limited by 6 pkm, so they all have weakness, and the AI is not very very good (no switch, just use the more efficiency move, etc.). This limits make players think about the best way to beat them, and they always find it. Whatever the team, they find the weakness. The only way to make it more difficult is making them bloody too strong, the RNG would make it very hard. And it would force new players to farm specific PKM with specific builds only for bosses. I don't feel new players would appreciate it when they start the game, even for advanced players. So, the difficulty should stay the same.

Maybe a rework to harmonize the difficulty with the boss requirements.


Concerning the boss requirements, i think it should stay only playtime, not some pkm limit. I think it follows the idea to let players think about good way to beat bosses, they shouldn't be limited by requirement like: no snorlax. (And i personalty don't use it).

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boss requirements :

its ok but must be the more the boss need play time the more he give a worthy reward and money cuz its hard to get money in this game

and no need to get ms for some bosses

difficulty :

not that bad but still crits hit hard to ko a good tank poke that's not logic


those with a low reward must be atleast 1 week the harder boss with good reward the long cooldown he have

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- Boss requirements (playtime, not having one poke in your team, ...)

I would change the requirements a bit. I've never liked the hours requirements personally but I do like dex amount requirements and story progression requirements. I'm also fine not having one poke on your team or one type banned. But I think the you can't have these 5 different guys because I want this boss to be harder is a bad choice

- Difficulty (would you mind getting tougher, more challenging bosses but for the same rewards?)

I don't mind the bosses as they are. If making them harder means changing the teams a bit that's fine. If making them harder means making them level 140 then I'm against that. Power creep is always bad. Also see above. If making them harder is banning seaking snorlax ferrothorn blissey and every tank then it's not a good boss and should be remade.

- Cooldown (would you mind getting 4-5 days cooldowns, but with a lowered amount of rewards?)

I prefer 12 day cooldown. It shouldn't be something you do all the time.

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I like all the bosses as they are but if you are going to increase the difficulty the rewards should be better. like increased shiny chance or more money payout. The cooldown sooner would be nice but not at the sacrifice of the rewards.

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I'll start saying I'm still a noob, I'm reaching 200hrs but my boss experience is laughable. Still, I don't like pvp so I expect them to become my main hobby in pro.


Requirements: are fine I think, a lot of time is needed in order to be able to fight bosses, so I don't think waiting is too bad. For other requirements regarding certain poke/type, I can't say but why not.


Difficulty: already feels unfair, but what bugs me the most is the fact that I have to grind for certain poke I don't even really like, just because attackers are useless. I think we should find a way to keep them hard (they're bosses after all) but not so strangely hard that only tanks can do something. It's just too sad I can't bring poke I like so much as sceptile, lucario or espeon just because they'll get one hit and deal very little dmg. I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.


Cooldown: as the only boss I defeated is pumpkin, 12 days sure feels long, but with 40 boss, well, it even looks too short. On the other hand a simple idea would be to shorten the cooldown when the boss defeats us, so we can rematch faster.

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Hello i enjoy a lot pve and bosses and i want to give my opinion on how to make them even more enjoyable


boss requirements and difficulty: i think bosses should be separated in 3 category:

-easy difficulty: destinated for players that just finished story and have not a dedicated boss team yet (pumpkin kings, bruno erika brock etc)

-medium difficulty: destinated for players who spent more time in this game and have already farmed pokemon that are considered "boss killer" (terminator or shamac for ex)

-hard or super boss: i think we need more boss really challenging like ash westbrook or super boss


for the rewards they should be in line with the difficulty 3-10k for easy boss 10-30k for medium boss and 50-80k for hard boss, it is already mostly the case but some boss need small rewards adjustment


additionnals suggestions:

-make sure pokemon on boss team doesn't have useless moves like flail because it really ruin the challenge, for example elm in ruin alpha, you can setup anything you want vs his corsola and then 1v6 his team

-make a boss that is supposed to be undefeatable with really high reward and change his team after 100 people beat it, that boss should be worth building a dedicated team to beat it and a dedicated team should be needed to beat it.

-second option to add challenge to pve: make increased rewards and difficulty everytime you beat a boss for exemple i beat brock for the first time he gives me 5k and have a lvl 100 boss team, the second time he gives 10k but have lvl 110 team etc...

-Last suggestion but not possible for now: for me the biggest improvement would be to make coop boss, boss you can only fight as 2 players in 2v2 battle...


COOLDOWN: please don't lower the cooldown while decreasing rewards, there are many boss right now and it takes a lot of time to beat them all the current 12 day cooldown is perfect in my opinion and i would be really disappointed if it changes


I understand that some people would like to be able to play challenging PVE battle every day, for that i suggest to rework the battle tower.

Right now the battle tower is really time consuming and boring, you just kill tons of npc while waiting for the only challenging battle which is cynthia


i think it could be made infinite with a ladder: every npc is randomly taken from a list of team with increased level after every win:

1st npc lvl 100 team 2nd npc lvl 102 etc every 5 or 10 npc a stronger team pool could be used to make a "boss" npc like cynthia is right now

then the ladder would show the highest number of npc beaten and rewards players accordingly every month or so.


Thanks for your time

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