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Is Blissey banned in PvP? [SOLVED]


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Hi there,

I've noticed that many players in PvP battles use Chansey. And my question is: what is the reason? Blissey has higher base stats so why people use Chansey? Is Blissey banned in PvP battles?

Thanks for answers!

Hi there. No, Blissey is not banned in PvP. However, as previously stated, Chansey with an Evoilite works as a better defensive pokemon as compared to Blissey, despite having the same function. Therefore, most people opt to use a Chansey for this reason. Please be sure to read up on our PvP Rules as well.


Hope this clears things up for you. Let me know if you have any further questions.


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Ok, thanks. And can u tell me how eviolite works? I know that raises defence and special defence but how much? And secondly- why Blissey could not holds eviolite?

Hi there. As quoted,

If held by a Pokémon that is not fully evolved, raises its Defense and Special Defense by 50%.


Since Blissey is fully evolved, it won't gain the defense boosts it provides, which is why Blissey doesn't hold an Evoilite. You can get one from the following areas:

-Reaped by the prize-giver in Blackthorn City Dragon Club (third floor) if at least 150 caught-data entries are registered in your Pokédex

-Rewarded by Eevelutionist Devan in Vermilion City's Pokémon Club if all evolved-data entries of available evolutionary outlets of Eevee are registered in your Pokédex

-Purchasable from any PvP Coin Master for 50 PvP Coins


Please let me know if you have any further questions.


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I got that item. :) Thanks for answers guys, u were helpful as always :)

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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