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These Monthly Recaps are where we will summarize the new changes and events that happened during the past month.

We aim to make a new post at the end of each month which include these important details.

Feel free to give any feedback about this post, tell us what you would like to see added and/or removed.

Also, let us know if you think it will be useful for our community. Now, here are the events and changes that have happened in the past month.



General Rule 6: No Spamming
- Now a General Rule rather than a Trade Rule.

Help Chat Rule 1: Story-Related and General Chat
- Help chat is only for story-related and General Questions.

All Chat Rule 4: Streams -
Only Approved Streamers can post their stream link every 30 minutes. You can get approval for your stream in the


PvP Rule 10
- Only one Rotom form can be used per team.


Trade Rule 14
If a Pokemon was sold unfairly to any user other than the original winner it will be forcefully moved to the rightful owner of the auction, whatsoever.


Players had the chance to reset their account or apply for a rename.




Players were to dress up in their coolest, ugliest and funniest clothes for a chance to win prizes!




The season has ended, congratulations to all the winners.


The Top 25 of each server went head to head in Showdown for a chance to win an epic Gible!




Share your thoughts on the upcoming Boss Revamp!




A new area north of Mt. Mortar is now open for the new Item Recycler. The Kalos Starters may also be caught here.




Snorlax can now learn Stockpile.

Huntail and Gorebyss can now learn Iron Defense.




Players had the chance to apply for a chance to become a Discord Moderator.




If you are interested to contribute to the Wiki, feel free to request a PRO Wiki account and help with the editing.


Players had the chance to submit shop designs for PRO!

Edited by Fluffles
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General Support PRO Reporting Punishment Policy Discipline Appeals


Please do not contact staff members for private support.

Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be sent to the Black Forest, never to be seen again.

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