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I pressed "Gold Server" many times but it always freeze when connecting to server . after that it said "Can not connect to the server" tho my connection is very strong


Hi there !


I would like to inform you that the servers are currently offline in order to apply the update.


There is no ETA for when they will be online and the download of the new client available.


Once the servers will be online, to make the login , a new client will have to be downloaded. When it will be available, it will be announced in the announcement channel in the > OFFICIAL PRO Discord < and the new downloads will be added to the > Website Download Page <.


You can check the changelog of the updates here : > CHANGELOG <


Hope this can help, have a great day !

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I pressed "Gold Server" many times but it always freeze when connecting to server . after that it said "Can not connect to the server" tho my connection is very strong

Hi there. The servers are currently down due to the new client update maintenance. Unfortunately, there is no estimated time for when the update will be finished. Afterwards, you should be able to log on again. Also, please refrain from asking regarding server status here as it is against the rules. An announcement on our Official PRO Discord will be made once the update is complete. For more information on the new updates added this patch, please check out the Update Logs. You'll be able to download the new client from our Downloads Page after the maintenance as well.


With that said, will now be locking this thread. Good luck and have a great day!


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Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

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