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Atualização (Falha ao logar)


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Não consigo entrar na minha conta, aparece que não estou na última versão do aplicativo ... Não recebi nenhum link para atualizar! Conseguem me ajudar?


Hey Rodren1610,


you cant login because we have a new version of PRO. You need to update PRO in order to be able to login.


Updating to the newest PRO version is easy:


  1. Delete all previous PRO Versions to avoid any kind of bugs
  2. Download the newest version at out Download Page
  3. Unzip the data and play


But we will have a new PRO version very soon, if you don't mind to wait a bit before you play again, wait a bit till the new version is available.

When the new client is available, it will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.


Regards Xylos

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