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PRO Username: jony1566

Do you have active membership?: No

Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner


What have you done before the problem was there?

Nothing today. But i can launch and connect 3 times. The server is not full, if i want to connect


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Restart the game, launch admin mod, restart pc, windows defender is off, i have no antivirus just Steam, drivers nvidia, asus drivers, and drivers Roccat (Keyboard, mouse and headset) launch...


Description and Message

My config :


i7 3930K




i live in switzerland, i have Swisscom (Bluewin) for internet connection, 45 MB Download, 15 MB Upload

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Now see.. It's not a solution to "just keep trying" this has honestly been happening alot more recently.. For me I start up the client and today I've been trying for half an hour atleast and it's only saying can't connect to the server. It should always say logging in and then either server is full or you get logged in. right? If it's saying cannot connect to the server then obviously something is wrong?? This didn't happen as much before but today it's unbearable. :/


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