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Please stop kicking out of Elite when server crashes/reboots


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I'm really sorry that my first message is bitter but I'm really annoyed right now. I did the Kanto league last week for the first time and I got kicked out because of a reboot/crash as I was battling the 4th champ. I had just spent hours levelling my pokes and I was released to finally have a go. But then I got kicked, had to wait another 24h and had lost 20k of potions for nothing.


Tonight I started playing around 11pm, did the final gym of Johto and farmed to get my pokes a little higher for the league. I also bought a lot of potions, etc. And guess what... I entered the league around 3am and the server crashed/rebooted as I was battling the 2nd champ. And here I go again, kicked out of a league I was looking forward to doing. Hours of farm and thousands of $ for nothing at the end. Yes, I'll be able to do it again in 24h and then what? I wanted to enjoy my work doing the league but nope again.


This is extremely frustrating. I know the game is in beta but why does this kick-out system in the leagues even exist? I get you don't want people leaving/joining the game during the leagues but why does this also apply when the server has issues? Crashes/reboots are easily detectable, why can't we just tp everyone to it's last pre-fight position? Or in case of doubt, just reset the 24h queue when this happens?


Again I'm sorry for this post but this is really annoying and I hope something will be done about this...


Anyway thank you very much for your work on PRO, despite this issue that annoys me the game is really great and I love playing it! :)

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Well as you said yourself. This game is in an open beta.

In time the server will be very stable with minimal crashes and this won't be an issue anymore.

Thank you for being patient while we work on making the server more stable!



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Also it is not kick out system, but battle disconnect. you notice if you disconnected during battle you back to last visited pokecenter.

For crashes issue, i suggest you to relog after each elite's fight to force save the data.

reboots too, but if anyone happen to ignore system announcement and keep playing before the reboot, it's their own risk for being uncooperative.

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