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hi i need a huntail to go on sinnoh but i dont know to find a deepseatooth for evolve Clamperl can you help me?

Hi there. You can obtain a Deep Sea tooth from Love Island's Rock Smash Spots and you have a chance to get it from the Abandoned ship quest. Furthermore, there is also a 8% chance for wild Clamperl to hold this item in the locations listed below. You may also purchase this item from other players in the in-game trade chat.

#Pokemon  Map        Area                   Daytime  Rarity  MS  Level
Clamperl  Route 221  Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 6  No  28-32
Clamperl  Route 40   Fish (Good Rod)        N        Tier 5  No  15-21


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i have search in the abbandoned ship but i have only four keys i search in all the ship

Hi there. I've gone over your variables and it seems as if you have already completed the Abanadoned Ship Quest. You got all 6 keys needed. You also already had a Deep Sea Tooth, which you used to evolve your Clamperl Recently. It is currently the 6th pokemon in your party. Are you still having issues? Be sure to check our our Abandoned Ship Quest Guide for further information on the quest.


Let me know if you need anything else.


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I have risolved this problem thanks for your attention :RowletHeart:

Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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