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how to add a "spoiler" to my shop? please


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hi, i need held, to add "spoiler" in my pokemon shop.

Can someone tell me how to do?


Thanks :)

Hi there. Here's a quote from our Forum Images Guide. It should explain thoroughly how to add a spoiler. However, if you already placed your image, just highlight it and proceed with step one. Hope it helps!


Spoilers are a very good way to make your thread look cleaner.

Usually, this is used for very large photos or if you have a lengthy thread with numerous photos.

Below is how you add a spoiler.


Step 1: Click "Insert" and select "Spoiler"

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 1][ATTACH=full]29844[/ATTACH]


Step 2: Select a name for your Spoiler and click continue

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 2][ATTACH=full]29845[/ATTACH]


Step 3: There should now be a Spoiler code on your thread. Put the image in between the spoiler tags.

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 3][ATTACH=full]29846[/ATTACH]

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Hi there. Here's a quote from our Forum Images Guide. It should explain thoroughly how to add a spoiler. However, if you already placed your image, just highlight it and proceed with step one. Hope it helps!


Spoilers are a very good way to make your thread look cleaner.

Usually, this is used for very large photos or if you have a lengthy thread with numerous photos.

Below is how you add a spoiler.


Step 1: Click "Insert" and select "Spoiler"

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 1][ATTACH=full]29844[/ATTACH]


Step 2: Select a name for your Spoiler and click continue

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 2][ATTACH=full]29845[/ATTACH]


Step 3: There should now be a Spoiler code on your thread. Put the image in between the spoiler tags.

[spoiler=Spoiler Step 3][ATTACH=full]29846[/ATTACH]


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You're welcome! Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, will now be locking this thread.


Good luck and have a great day!


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