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Manaphy bug


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Hello there in game name is mr chronic, i did part 2 of the eumi island quest to get manaphy , i found the stone and put it in place the temple stopped flooding and then manaphy disappeared do i not get to catch manaphy or try to after the quest? Please help me thank you

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Hello there in game name is mr chronic, i did part 2 of the eumi island quest to get manaphy , i found the stone and put it in place the temple stopped flooding and then manaphy disappeared do i not get to catch manaphy or try to after the quest? Please help me thank you


Hey MrChronic,


as far I have understood your problem, you didn't even battled Manaphy.

Try to leave the temple and talk with your fellows. After that, they should mention that you should follow Manaphy again, in the temple. At this point you can fight and potentially catch Manaphy. I recommend a fast catch because of the current server problems. For that, you can use a Master Ball for example, a re-log after you caught Manaphy is also recommended.

A re-log will force save the Pokémon, that does work for any Pokémon, by the way.


In case I misunderstood the problem and you already fought Manaphy but lost it for some reason, you will have to fight Boss Nikola in order to have a second chance to catch Manaphy.

Boss Nikola is located in Unknown Place near Trainers Valley. Nikola does need a good preparation as he has a strong team.


Keep in mind that Boss Nikola was reworked recently and some sources might be outdated.




Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

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