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Hey guys I want to ev train my pokes do any sense the chat of ev training schedule of places and timings

Hi there, @diwakar1470


Down below, I have added an image of an EV Training Guide. The image will tell you when and where you can obtain a specific EV in every individual Region.



[spoiler=EV Image]EFzdg3w.png.2c69f49a5a7690b1b11f7079e79aea6b.png




I hope this helps. Please let me know here if you have any questions or concerns in regard to my answer! Looking forward to your reply :)


Kindest Regards, Juliph



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You're Welcome. I am just glad to see my answer was of help to you!


With that being said I will now be locking this thread. If you have anymore questions in the future, please do not hesitate to create another thread and I will be happy to assist you :)


Have a Wonderful Day!


Kind Regards, Juliph


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