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Cant release poke from PC


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i had a bunch box of trash magnemite that i cant release it. its doesnt work. sometime its work sometime not. and if its not work once, it will not work anymore. If there is something wrong about this pls fix this. i cant hunt any magnemite anymore coz i will confuse to choose(since i hunt for hp fire).


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i had a bunch box of trash magnemite that i cant release it. its doesnt work. sometime its work sometime not. and if its not work once, it will not work anymore. If there is something wrong about this pls fix this. i cant hunt any magnemite anymore coz i will confuse to choose(since i hunt for hp fire).

Hi there. Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to delete all your PRO files and reinstall the client here? Please let me know if this fixes it for you. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll see if I can help you delete those Magnemites! Also do you happen to have screenshots or a gif of this, because I can't seem to replicate the error.


Looking forward to your response.


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solve the problem today. i can release about 5 magnemite then relog then release it again. if im not relog i cant release it after 5 magnemite. sorry for inconvenience. thank u.

Hi there. Sorry for the inconvenience. I've tried this again myself with Magnemites and I've released 7 Magnemites without a problem. Did you try to reinstall the game? Also, could you please restart your router as well. Do you happen to get an error message when you try to release your 6th pokemon? Also, please do let me know if you still want help with deleting your pokemon!


Looking forward to your response.


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