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Weather Icon Missing


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Hello! The last days I have noticed that the weather icon (harsh sunlight, rain, sandstorm, hail) sometimes is missing even though the weather effect is on. I don't know if you have noticed it, too, but I had to report it.


Greetings, Drojal.


After coming across your report about the weather effect issue, I tried to reproduce it myself, but I did not succeed. I tried reproducing this bug with different weather effect setters, but all of them worked as intended. Unfortunately, I cannot forward this case as a bug because there is no evidence of it happening or showing something bizarre. I would appreciate it if you can provide some more info and evidence about that bug. Keep in mind that in our UPDATE LOGS that issue is resolved:

Weather effect visual bug was fixed.


Looking forward to your reply! Have a great day.

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Greetings, Drojal.


After coming across your report about the weather effect issue, I tried to reproduce it myself, but I did not succeed. I tried reproducing this bug with different weather effect setters, but all of them worked as intended. Unfortunately, I cannot forward this case as a bug because there is no evidence of it happening or showing something bizarre. I would appreciate it if you can provide some more info and evidence about that bug. Keep in mind that in our UPDATE LOGS that issue is resolved:



Looking forward to your reply! Have a great day.

Ok. If I noticed that it is missing i will screenshot it the missing icon and also my pokemon that causes the weather effect. I hope that this is enough for you to check it.

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Hello! I'm attaching 3 screenshots that shows you that the weather icon is missing. The first one shows that the icon is missing. The second screenshot shows that the sandstorm exists. And the third screenshot shows that my Tyranitar has the ability Sand Stream that causes sandstorm. I hope that these screenshots are enough and can help you to check the problem.




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Hello! I'm attaching 3 screenshots that shows you that the weather icon is missing. The first one shows that the icon is missing. The second screenshot shows that the sandstorm exists. And the third screenshot shows that my Tyranitar has the ability Sand Stream that causes sandstorm. I hope that these screenshots are enough and can help you to check the problem.


Greetings once again, Drojal.


Thank you for attaching proper evidence to support your report. It is now forwarded to the appropriate parties and it will be looked into. Unfortunately, there is no ETA on when that will happen. You could also give it a try and try deleting all PRO files and redownload from here. If that doesn't help as well, you will need to be patient in the meantime, for the bug to be fixed.


Thank you once again, I will now lock this thread. Have a great day!

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