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Rotom does spawn in lake acquite anymore + Gengar old levitate


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  • Administrator
I have 2 questions joint in 1 post :


Where does rotom spawn i was checking and it doesnt show that he spawns in lake aquite ?


A year ago when i was playing PRO Gengar had levitate and its changed to curse body am i mistaken ?


Hi @Ta7esh


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that Rotom's spawn in that location was just temporary and was later removed.

Quoting our Reborn Bot, that you can use on our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD and check the spawn location of each Pokémon by using the command ^s nameofthepoke ,you can now obtain Rotom in the following ways:

#Map          Area            Daytime      Rarity  MS  Level  Item
Haunted Site  Excavation      00:00-23:59  Tier 9  No  15-25  -
Mt. Pyre 4F   Morty (Reward)  M/D/N        -       No  15     -

For further info about the excavation you can use our official guide: EXCAVATION GUIDE


Also, for what regard Gengar, the ability has been changed from Levitate to Cursed Body as Pokemon Revolution Online is a game in continuous update and almost all the mechanics have been updated to the generation 7 where Gengar has indeed lost Levitate in change of Cursed Body.


I hope the information provided was helpful, let me know if you have any further questions.

Have a wonderful day !



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Yes it was very helpful one last thing if a pokemon used a counter against a ghost type its stating that its completely ineffective however on google it says it will still hit even if it is a ghost type.


Thus i am confused since type effectiveness states that ghost are immune to normal and fighting type.

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  • Administrator
Yes it was very helpful one last thing if a pokemon used a counter against a ghost type its stating that its completely ineffective however on google it says it will still hit even if it is a ghost type.


Thus i am confused since type effectiveness states that ghost are immune to normal and fighting type.


Hi @Ta7esh


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that Counter was indeed effective against Ghost Pokémon in the Generation 1.

However, from Generation 2 and 3 the move has been changed and Ghost Pokémon have been made Immunue to Counter as it is a Fighting-type move.

As you well know, PRO mechanics are almost completely updated to the generaion 7 and therefore it is normal that Ghost Pokémon are immune to Counter.


I hope the information provided was helpful, let me know if you have any further questions.

Have a wonderful day !



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  • Administrator
Yes I totally get it now and it makes total sense. Thank you for your swift reply

I'm really happy to see that your issue has been solved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

With that said, i will now close the thread.

Have a wonderful day



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