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So, PVE shop is getting some love recently, the way to farm pve coins are still low.


At the moment, we can get them from: Battle Tower, new Bosses, Bug Contest, Susp. Bot.


The first two, Battle Tower and new Bosses, are ok, so they can stay untouched.


My suggestion touch Bug Contest and Susp. Bot.


For Bug Contest, 1 2 3 pve coins reward are very low. I would suggest to make it 2 for 3rd, 6 for 2nd and 10 for 1st.

Then there is the Susp. Bot.

For it, I suggest to completely remove the money drop, it's not like it's big money anyway, and make it only pve coins drop.

At the moment people do it only for fun because it's a nice features, but it's not really rewarding. Make it 1 pve coins for win, and it will became a really good rewarding features for a good streak.

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Regarding Suspicious Bot - there is another reward upgrade in the works. I underestimated just how hard the bot is by a... decent margin. On the bright side, that made the race for 40 all the more interesting, but unfortunately, it also means the rewards aren't quite as good as they should be - this will definitely be changed.


Regarding Bug Catching Contest, I'll refer your feedback to the appropriate party.


Thanks for taking your time to make this post!

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