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I was playing and suddenly everything froze I checked the connection and everything is normal im still in game yet nothing happened.


whats going on ?

Hi there, @Ta7esh


I would like say thank your for taking the time to voice your concern with us. Furthermore, I would like to apologize for any inconvenience experienced.


To directly address your issue, the Zombie Disconnect has not been prevalent for a some time now.


With that said, it is possible that your client may have crashed on you instead. As when experiencing a Zombie Disconnect everything won't just freeze.


Could you confirm if what I am describing is your issue?


Looking forward to your reply :)


Deepest Regards, Juliph


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I asked someone in game he said that hes experiencing it also, however I would like to acknowledge that the ratio of experiencing it is lower than before.


and yes when I experienced it, I was able to text and everything yet nothing sent and pressing the buttons and everything but the loading of the battle " please wait " stayed the same

hellow staff why arent u replying it happened for the 3rd time why isnt there nything being done abt it

Hi there again,


To address your issue can you please try the following below?

  1. Delete all the PRO Files that you have (.zip and remaining files too).
  2. Restart your computer/device and router
  3. Download again the game from HERE

Please let me know if this works for you. Looking forward to your reply :)


With regards, Juliph


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Ive already did those but it seems that over the weekend sserver was more stable idk i guess its luck. nywyz i wont bother u nymore thank you for being cooperative. have a good day!

I am glad to see everything is well.


With that being said I will now be locking this thread. If you have anymore questions in the future, please do not hesitate to create another thread and I will be happy to assist you :)


Have a Wonderful Day!


Kind Regards, Juliph


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