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The first thing anyone need to know about PRO Shinys is that some Pokemon are rarer then others.

Tier 8 and 9, or even Pokemon uncatchable in the wild can worth more than 10 millions.

But sadly, tier 1 Shiny such as your Spearow worth ''Almost'' nothing.

I would say it worth around 10k-50k imo.

Idk if this is a lot for you, still I hope I helped with my answer.

My price check is not precise cos it mostly depend of the buyer.

Good day and have fun!! =D


For tier knowledge, you can join the PRO Official Discord and go into #bot-commands and type ^s spearow for exemple.

Here a link to the PRO Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq.

Also, many Guild have discord with Reborn Bot on wich you can use that command.


For the Price Check, you can alwais ask on this Discord in #trades-and-prices.

You can also ask in Game in All Chat.

There is also the Amigo discord server wich is dedicated for Price Check.

Here'S the Amigo Discord Link: https://discord.gg/AKgjPUU


It's alwais better to have many price check. =P

Still, I wont change mine. ;)

Good luck!

Edited by Madtrainer
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