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Hello there.


Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that Focus Sash works as intended and should not be broken. I tried to reproduce the scenario you are showing in this picture but without any fruitful results. Is there any chance that your Karrablast did NOT have full Health Points (HP)? Focus Sash only triggers when your Pokemon has max HP. If it has less than max, then it will not activate.


Looking forward to your reply! Have a great day.

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i know that types of situation.....but at that time my karrablat are in full hp...the same thing happen again during leveling my paras...but forgot to screenshot it..anyway thx


I'm afraid that we cannot do anything without any video evidence or a reproduction of this bug. Since we cannot do anything for it at the moment, I will now lock this thread. In the future, if you can, provide video evidence of the bug, to investigate further on it.


Nevertheless, have a great day! Enjoy the game.

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