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ign = algerie31

silver server

i see that there are many abusif & unuseful heal items that can be replaced with only two cure items full heal & lum berries especially they are headbutted and placed in many places [ATTACH=full]74009[/ATTACH]

Hello there!

I would like to inform you that these items were intended to be this way as they were in the nintendo games.

Let me explain it, cheri berries can be used only for paralysis, whereas lum berries can be used to cure any status ailment, therefore, they are 2 different items where lum berry is a better item in general. therefore, it wouldn't be fair to merge these items into 1. Also, there is a max of 999 items in a spot and when you merge these items, that max will be reached very easily causing players to lose items there after.

Therefore, it is best to leave these items as such, although, thanks for the suggestion! it was well noticed.

Feel free to make new suggestions, it helps the game alot!

I shall now lock the topic, have a nice day!!


Deep Regards.

- Aghanim.

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