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buenas tardes , disculpe , queria saber , si se podia desivolucionar un pokemon ?


Tengo un bellosom con buenos ivs , y me gustaria regresarlo a odish para poder enseñarle moonblast . O hay alguna forma de recordar un movimiento de un pokemon antes que evolucione . EJEMPLO ( como hacerle recordar a un alakazam el movimiento role play que solo aprende un kadabra )



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buenas tardes , disculpe , queria saber , si se podia desivolucionar un pokemon ?


Tengo un bellosom con buenos ivs , y me gustaria regresarlo a odish para poder enseñarle moonblast . O hay alguna forma de recordar un movimiento de un pokemon antes que evolucione . EJEMPLO ( como hacerle recordar a un alakazam el movimiento role play que solo aprende un kadabra )



Hello there! My apologies for the inconvenience.


I would like to inform you that you can you are able to learn moonblast on the bellossom without having to de-evolve it (which we cannot do).

First, you're going to need to go to the daycare, this is present at 4 spots. 1 : Below Cerulean City. 2 : Below Goldenrod City. 3 : West of Mauville City. 4 : At Floaroma City.

To open the daycares, you need to be Johto Champion and beat a boss named Naero inside the Cerulean Cave, however, you could also ask a friend/trade chat for someone to teach it for you, incase you can give the money. You can trade only after 4 badges, so its best that you continue with your story without moonblast as its difficult to learn the move here after.

I'm sorry about it and hope you understand.

Let me know if you have further questions.


Deep Regards.

- Aghanim

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la quest de la guarderia es algo dificil , pero si no hay otra solucion , no importa.


Tenia entendido que si podian quitarle la evolucion a un charmander 99 por ejemplo para poderlo evolucionar a charizard o a un onix 100 reducirlo a 99 para poder evolucionarlo a steelix 100.


Porque en mi caso , es diferente :( :(

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la quest de la guarderia es algo dificil , pero si no hay otra solucion , no importa.


Tenia entendido que si podian quitarle la evolucion a un charmander 99 por ejemplo para poderlo evolucionar a charizard o a un onix 100 reducirlo a 99 para poder evolucionarlo a steelix 100.


Porque en mi caso , es diferente :( :(

Hello there!


Yes, its different and I simply do not have the tools to de-evolve your pokemon, I'm very sorry about the outcome.

As said, you can ask another person to teach it for you, who has done the quest.

Also, quoting from the Evolution Thread.

It's impossible and we do not offer this kind of support. However we can now "delevel" your Pokemon if needed.

As you have been answered, I shall lock the thread. Feel free to make a new one in case of need.

Have a nice day! Once again, sorry about the outcome.


Deep Regards.

- Aghanim.

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