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  • Administrator
i checked on the wiki it said it was membership only i checked the game and is was in not in membership i also got a munchcrow with out membership so ?


Hi @jhlords2


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you as first that Staryu has a lot of spawns locations. Quoting our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD , which you can join to use commands like ^s nameofthepokemon or ^s nameofthemap to know where a pokemon spawn and which Pokémon spawn on a specific map, here below there are all the spawns of Staryu

#Map                       Area                   Daytime  Rarity  MS   Level  Item
Cape Brink                 Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   10-17  -
Cherrygrove City           Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   10-14  -
Cianwood City              Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   20-26  -
Cinnabar Island            Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   10-17  -
Diamond Domain Main Cave   Fish (Super Rod)       M/D/N    Tier 6  No   22-26  -
Five Island                Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   16-20  -
One Island                 Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   34-38  -
Pallet Town                Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 5  No   10-14  -
Resort Gorgeous            Fish (Super Rod)       M/N      Tier 6  No   5-25   Stardust
Route 131                  Fish (Super Rod)       M/D/N    Tier 6  No   31-33  -
Route 131 B                Fish (Super Rod)       M/D/N    Tier 6  No   32-34  -
Route 14                   Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   25     -
Route 17                   Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   20-25  -
Route 20                   Fish (Super Rod)       M/D/N    Tier 6  No   25-30  -
Route 34                   Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   11-15  -
Route 40                   Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   15-21  -
Route 47                   Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  No   30-34  -
Union Cave B2F             Fish (Super Rod)       M/D/N    Tier 6  No   6-10   -
Vermilion City             Fish (Super Rod)       N        Tier 6  Yes  13-18  -
Love Island                Surf                   M        Tier 6  No   18-22  -
Nap Shore                  Surf                   N        Tier 6  No   42-45  -
Nap Town                   Surf                   N        Tier 6  No   42-45  -
Olivine City               Surf                   N        Tier 6  No   15-20  -
Seafoam B4F                Surf                   M/N      Tier 6  No   36-40  -
Secret Nap Area            Surf                   N        Tier 6  No   45-50  -
Diamond Domain B1F         Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 6  No   22-26  -
Lilycove City              Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/N      Tier 6  No   36-42  -
Pinkan Island Cliff        Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 8  No   60-65  -
Route 19                   Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 6  Yes  28-35  -
Safari Johto Wet Zone      Surf/Fish (Super Rod)  M/D/N    Tier 6  No   17-22  -
Abandoned Ship B1F Room 1  Toothless (Reward)     M/D/N    -       No   15     -


As you can notice, the only 2 places where an active Membership is required to catch Staryu is Vermilion City by fishing with a Super Rod and Route 19 by surf/fishing(super rod).

All the other places permit you to find a staryu without membership.


I hope the information given provided some help, please let me know if something is unclear and if you have any further questions.


Have a wonderful day!



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