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Sell epic shiny shroomish. The auction starts at 300k and will last 3 days starting from the first offer. The minimum bid increase will be 100k and its insta will be 2m. At any time during the auction I will be able to modify my insta or I will be able to believe that I am not satisfied and therefore to cancel everything.

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Sell epic shiny shroomish. The auction starts at 300k and will last 3 days starting from the first offer. The minimum bid increase will be 100k and its insta will be 2m. At any time during the auction I will be able to modify my insta or I will be able to believe that I am not satisfied and therefore to cancel everything.

Put a picture please


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This auction violated our Trade Rules, breaking the following rules:


  • 9. When advertising a sale, make it clear for what you are selling/ buying.
  • 12. In auctions, the auctioneer should announce the rules of the auction and the item(s)/pokemon(s) being auctioned, call and acknowledging bids made, and announce the winner, said rules should be respected. (i.e. If you withdraw your auction due to 'low offers' without stating that beforehand in said auction's rules, you will be punished.)
    *Auction guide
  • 13. Regarding insta/fixed prices for Pokémon/Items on the trade forums, the user who bids the insta first will be the winner. Any bids made after this point for the same mon will be voided, and the seller must respect the sale to the first player who met the insta price.

As a result, @AzharSaurous bid will be voided and the Pokemon will be transferred to [uSER=1726083]@Brutalanda[/uSER], enforcing the following rule:

  • 14. If a Pokemon was sold unfairly to any user other than the original winner it will be forcefully moved to the rightful owner of the auction, whatsoever.




@dragonero98765 you can appeal your ban here.







Edited by Logan
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