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connection lost


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i dont know. i have "connection lost" when server start ??

[ATTACH type=full" alt="85311]85311[/ATTACH][ATTACH alt=85311]85311[/ATTACH]




What happened to the game?

Hola, podríamos desintalarlo y descargarlo nuevamente para que entren las nuevas actualizaciones. Yo estoy intentado este metodo. suerte!

Did it work? /te funciono bro

I llevo en un 90% descargando. en 5 minutos aviso

Yo salio el mismo cartel que el servidor no es compatible pero al juego entro normal


Hi there !


I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like to inform you that we are aware of all the crashes that are being experience right now, with the servers going online and offline repeatedly, and the issue has been forwarded to our developers that will look into that.

Unfortunately, as it is late night in Europe, it might take a while to solve these crashes and therefore I cannot give you any estimated time a for now. However, we will update our players about the status of the servers by making an announcement on our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD as soon as the problem will be fixed.


About the general situation of the servers, our developers are totally reworking the server python and there will be an update soon where python will be completely reimplemented in PRO and many, many other things in the server code as well and this should be enough to fix a lot of things or at least give us the chance to pinpoint the other problems and therefore fix them.


Please, be patient in the while and once again we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.


As i cannot offer further support in this specific case, i will now close the thread. Please, stay tuned on our OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD for further information regard the status of the server and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask in our sub-forums.

Have a wonderful day!



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