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IV reroll bug


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I used an IV reroll on my Celebi and even the locked stats got rerolled... The best evidence I got is a message to a friend in my mother tongue: translated it says “Ok so... It can work, I will reroll spd, spdef and hp”, and that’s how I setup the reroll clicking on the stats to lock and even double checked, but it still rerolled them. Is there anything that can be done about it? I’m even fine with having the new stats, even if the HP is lower than the original, I am just upset for losing the stats I locked...


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I used an IV reroll on my Celebi and even the locked stats got rerolled... The best evidence I got is a message to a friend in my mother tongue: translated it says “Ok so... It can work, I will reroll spd, spdef and hp”, and that’s how I setup the reroll clicking on the stats to lock and even double checked, but it still rerolled them. Is there anything that can be done about it? I’m even fine with having the new stats, even if the HP is lower than the original, I am just upset for losing the stats I locked...

[ATTACH type=full" alt="90196]90196[/ATTACH]

Greetings, @Intoccabil3


Sorry for the inconvenience.

I would like inform you the IVs Rerolls are working correctly.

What you have experienced was not a bug, in PRO you can not lock the ivs you want. Sorry if this disappoints you.


Please, do not hesitate in ask if you have more doubts, i will be glad to help you.


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Ah, I saw some videos where they used to be able to do that and even in the legendary megathread the image showing the caught Celebi has something about that written on it. Thanks anyways! You were very helpful!


Edit: I checked the legendary megathread, the reset IV thing is a whole different thing from rerolling, something I guess only mods and staff can do ^^

Damn, that’s a pity... Once again thank you!

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